英语谚语 : A watched pot never boils

A watched pot never boils 这个谚语是什么意思?

“A watched pot never boils” 这句谚语的字面意思是:一个被盯着看的水壶总也不开。该谚语衍生的意思是:心急喝不了热粥;心急水不沸;心急的锅煮不开;心急水不开; 心急锅不开等等。

指心理现象,有些事越着急越感觉越慢;焦急地等待某事发生时,感觉时间似乎过得很慢;一个人期待某事或等待某事发生时,时间似乎过得更慢。着急等水烧开,你会一遍又一遍地看水是不是已经开了, 这个时候你会发现水好像永远都不会烧开,

“A watched pot never boils” 这个谚语是怎么起源的?

“A watched pot never boils” 是一句流传甚广的谚语,出自本杰明·富兰克林。


Finally another Breakfast is ordered. One Servant runs for fresh Water, another for Coals. The Bellows are plied with a will. I was very Hungry; it was so late; “a watched pot is slow to boil,” as Poor Richard says.
最后,又点了一份早餐。一个仆人忙着取水,另一个仆人忙于添煤。劲头十足地拉着风箱。我非常饿; 已经很晚了; 正如可怜的理查德所说: “心急的锅煮不开。”


Looking out of the window won’t make him arrive any quicker! Don’t you know that a watched pot never boils?

They say that a watched pot never boils. I’m not exactly sure who “they” but they are most certainly wrong. Fill up a pot with water. Put it on the stove. Turn the stove on. Watch it. It will eventually boil. It’s simple physics: enough heat added to the water will cause it to change phases and become a gas. The act of that transition is called boiling. And in fact, watching a pot starting to boil gives you some hints into some pretty amazing physics.


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