英语新词: iatrophobia, nosocomephobia, tomophobia

当一个新词进入语言,并立即成为我们日常词汇的一部分。这就是当前新冠疫情产生英语新词大流行语言的情况。下面罗列3个今年出现关于Fear (恐惧)英语新词。

英语新词和热搜词 English New and Trending Words

iatrophobia: 医生恐惧症: 害怕医生

iatrophobia /ˌaɪætrəˈfoʊ.bi.ə/ 定义:

对医生的极度恐惧; 医生恐惧症(intense fear of doctors)


When confronted with the medical necessity to see a physician, the person with iatrophobia becomes anxious, may have chest pain, or shortness of breath.

She took my blood pressure and pulse (both on the high side, but then my acute iatrophobia—a terror of doctors—may partly account for that).— Tom Utley


iatrophobe 名词, 复数: iatrophobes 医生恐惧症患者
I am an iatrophobe; I avoid doctors as much as I can. — John Derbyshire

iatrophobic 形容词:医生恐惧症的
iatrophobic adults

nosocomephobia: 医院恐惧症: 对医院的强烈恐惧

nosocomephobia \ ˌnä-sə-,kō-mə-ˈfoʊ.bi.ə/ 定义

对医院的强烈恐惧;医院恐惧症 (intense fear of hospitals)


For long-term care patients or those with nosocomephobia—the fear of hospitals—nervous lobbies and antiseptic-slathered floors may make it seem as if the perfectly sterile white walls are closing in …— Brooke Becher
对于长期护理的病人或那些医院恐惧症患者——the fear of hospitals——令人紧张的大厅和涂满防腐剂的地板似乎让人感觉完全无菌的白色墙壁正在逼近……

Richard Nixon had one of the other fears with which many people can identify: nosocomephobia, or a fear of hospitals.— Jess Bolluyt

与 nosocomephobia有关的其它词汇

nosocomephobe \ ˌnä-​sə-​ˈkō-​mə-​ˌfōb \ or nosocomephobic \ ˌnä-​sə-​,kō-​mə-​ˈfō-​bik \ noun, plural nosocomephobes or nosocomephobics 名词:
I’m a bit of a nosocomephobic. I suffer from an irrational fear of hospitals. — Brent Schanding

nosocomephobic adjective 形容词
nosocomephobic patients 医院恐惧症患者

tomophobia: 手术恐惧症: 极度害怕手术

to·​mo·​pho·​bia | \ ˌtō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə 定义

极度害怕手术;手术恐惧症: intense fear of surgery or surgical procedures


We present the case of a 69-year-old … man who refused urgently indicated medical intervention because of severe tomophobia.— Marcus Schmid et al.

与 tomophobia 有关的其它词汇

名词:tomophobe \ ˈtō-​mə-​ˌfōb \ or tomophobic \ ˌtō-​mə-​ˈfō-​bik
\ noun, 复数 tomophobes or tomophobics 手术恐惧症患者
tomophobic adjective 手术恐惧的 形容词
tomophobic fears



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