英语热搜词: recant

为什么人们要热搜 recant ?

“ recant ”一词在2020年11月11日网络搜索量激增,由于当时发生了一系列让人有点困惑的事件。宾夕法尼亚州的一名美国邮政雇员说,他亲眼目睹了邮寄来的选票遭到篡改的潜在证据,声称伊利市的一名邮政局长让邮政雇员对选举日之后寄出的选票改成较早的日期。任何目睹支持选举舞弊指控的团体明显篡改选举结果的人,都将获得巨额现金奖励。


But on Monday, Hopkins, 32, told investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General that the allegations were not true, and he signed an affidavit recanting his claims


But in a YouTube video he posted Tuesday night, he denied recanting. “I’m here to say I did not recant my statements. That did not happen,” he said.

President Trump then announced with a Tweet that the postal worker had recanted his recant, apparently, prompting some to wonder about the meaning of recant, since it was the initial reported claim that supported the president.

recant 是什么意思?

Recant的意思是“公开地说你不再持有你曾经持有的观点或信念”,或者“正式地公开地收回或否定(一种声明或信念)”。它是 revoke 的同义词

verb [ I or T ] 7 noun /rɪˈkænt/
to announce in public that your past beliefs or statements were wrong and that you no longer agree with them

recant 从何而来?

recant来自拉丁语; re-的意思是“再一次”+ cantare的意思是“唱歌”,所以从字面上看,它的意思是“再唱”,或者,你也可以说,“改变一个人的曲调”。
(From merriam-webster )


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