《苔丝》词汇: peremptorily, untenable, stultify, stint, desultory, hobnob,

儒琴英语文学词汇咀嚼《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the Durbervilles)一书的用词。 《苔丝》以哈代的威塞克斯为背景,是一部关于虚伪和双重标准的感人小说。托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840—1928), 英国诗人、小说家。他是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统;晚年以其出色的诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文学。

英语文学词汇 Literature Terms

peremptorily /pəˈremp.trə.li/
adv: Subject to no further debate or dispute; Not allowing contradiction or refusal

“Why has this been sent to my house?” he asked peremptorily, holding up the volume.
“It was ordered, sir.”
“Not by me, or any one belonging to me, I am happy to say.”
“不是我订购的,也不是我家人订购的,幸好我可以说。” (第十八章)

untenable /ʌnˈten.ə.bəl/
adj: Not capable of being maintained or defended

There is no institution for whose history I have a deeper admiration; but I cannot honestly be ordained her minister, as my brothers are, while she refuses to liberate her mind from an untenable redemptive theolatry.

stultify /ˈstʌltɪˌfaɪ/
verb: to cause to appear or be stupid, foolish, or absurdly illogical
使显得愚笨; 使迟钝; 使厌烦; 使呆滞

It had never occurred to the straightforward and simple-minded Vicar that one of his own flesh and blood could come to this! He was stultified, shocked, paralyzed.
这位直率、头脑简单的牧师从来没有想到自己的亲骨肉竟会会变成这个样子! 他当时一听,一下愣住了,惊呆了、气馁了。(第十八章)

stint /stɪnt/
verb: to be frugal or economical in providing something

“What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a University education, if it is not to be used for the honour and glory of God? his father repeated.

desultory /ˈdes.əl.tɔːr.i/
adj: marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose

He spent years and years in desultory studies, undertakings, and meditations; he began to evince considerable indifference to social forms and observances.

hobnob /ˈhɑːb.nɑːb/
verb: associate familiarly
亲近,厮混; (亲切随便地)交谈

At first, it is true, when Clare’s intelligence was fresh from a contrasting society, these friends with whom he now hobnobbed seemed a little strange.


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