《苔丝》词汇: oblique, declivity, raillery, inexorable, disconcert,

儒琴英语文学词汇咀嚼《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the Durbervilles)一书的用词。 《苔丝》以哈代的威塞克斯为背景,是一部关于虚伪和双重标准的感人小说。托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840—1928), 英国诗人、小说家。他是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统;晚年以其出色的诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文学。

英语文学词汇 Literature Terms

oblique /oʊˈbliːk/
adj: Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined.

Down, down they sped, the wheels humming like a top, the dog-cart rocking right and left, its axis acquiring a slightly oblique set in relation to the line progress;
他们飞快地往下跑,车轮像陀螺一样嗡嗡作响,马车左右摇晃,它的轴跟前进的直线成略微倾斜; (第八章)

declivity /dɪˈklɪv.ə.t̬i/
noun: downward inclination; a descending slope

She had not considered what she had been doing; whether he were man or woman, stick or stone, in her involuntary hold on him. Recovering her reserve she sat without replying, and thus they reached the summit of another declivity.
她不由自主地搂住了他,她并没有考虑过自己在干什么, 也没想过她搂住的是男人还是女人,棍子还是石头。她恢复了矜持,一言不发地坐着,这样他们就到了另一个斜坡的顶端。(第八章)

raillery /ˈreɪ.lɚ.i/
noun: good-natured ridicule banter; joking or laughing at someone in a friendly way

He loosened rein, and away they went a second time. U’Urberville turned his face to her as they rocked, and said, in playful raillery: “Now put your arms round my waist again, as you did before, my beauty.”

inexorable /ˌɪnˈek.sər.ə.bəl/
adj: not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped
不被说服的,不被感动的,不被阻止的; 毫不通融;

He was inexorable, and she sat still, and d’Urberville gave her the kiss of mastery.

disconcert /ˌdɪs.kənˈsɝːt/
verb: to frustrate (plans, for example) by throwing into disorder; to cause to lose composure; embarrass or confuse:

How could she face her parents, get back her box, and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family on such sentimental grounds?


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