今日英语词组:junk fee 企业违规收费


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

junk fee

There is nothing wrong with a firm charging reasonable add-on fees for additional products or services. In the interests of customization, firms should be free to charge more to add mushrooms to your pizza or to upgrade you to a hotel room with an ocean view. However, in recent years we’ve seen a proliferation of “junk fees” – a category of fees that serve a different purpose. They can be defined as fees designed either to confuse or deceive consumers or to take advantage of lock-in or other forms of situational market power. ( From whitehouse.gov)


junk fee 字面意思是“垃圾费用”,或“杂七杂八的费用” , 这里主要是指企业的”乱收费“,“违规收费”,一些企业,譬如航空公司,交通,银行,酒店等,设定的一些名目繁多的服务费,附加费以及隐形收费。

这些 junk fees 主要包括以下几个方面:
1 表面低价,隐藏实际价格
2 消费者在购买后得知的意外费用
3 强制性收费
4 欺诈性收费


Biden calls for passage of a bill to stop ‘junk fees’ in travel and entertainment

After a series of high-profile airline debacles this winter, President Biden dedicated quite a bit of airtime in his State of the Union address to the Junk Fees Prevention Act, a push to limit hidden fees and surcharges in a number of industries.

The proposed legislation would curtail companies from overcharging on things like extra resort fees at hotels, service fees at concerts and sporting events, and added costs charged by airlines so that family members can sit together.

“For example, we’re making airlines show you the full ticket price upfront and refund your money if your flight is canceled or delayed,” Biden said.

“Baggage fees are bad enough — they can’t just treat your child like a piece of luggage,” Biden said. “Americans are tired of being played for suckers.” (NPR News / February 7, 202311:50 PM ET)


在今年冬天发生了一系列备受瞩目的航空公司事故后,拜登在国情咨文演讲中花了不少时间谈及了《企业违规收费预防法案》(Junk Fees Prevention Act),该法案旨在限制多个行业的隐性费用和附加费。





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