英语词组:out of sync


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

out of sync

working badly together; out of agreement;in a state in which two or more people or things do not move or happen together at the same time and speed;n a state in which two or more people or things do not agree with or match one another.

Not or no longer happening, functioning, or moving at the same time and pace as someone or something else; in an unsynchronized or uncoordinated manner (with someone or something); Not sharing the same or similar goals, ideals, desires, likes, dislikes, etc.; having the different or dissimilar perspectives or opinions.

out of sync 指不同步的(in sync 同步)。不一致的, 不协调的, 格格不入;两个或两个以上的人或事物不能同时、快速地一起运动或发生的状态; 没有相同或相似的目标、理想、欲望、喜好、厌恶等;有不同观点或观点的。

The president’s bombastic rhetoric on North Korea is out of sync with the deliberate diplomatic measures being taken by the rest of his administration.

But the president and the Pentagon seem more out of sync now than ever, as NBC News reported first on Monday morning — and experts have some theories as to why.

U.S. Is Out of Sync With World on Climate Change, Canada Says.


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