英语词组:press gaggle


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

press gaggle

gaggle 的英文解释是:1. a group of geese 2. (disapproving) a group of noisy or silly people 3. an informal meeting in which someone who works for an organization or the government gives information to journalists

A press gaggle (as distinct from a press conference or press briefing) is an informal briefing by the White House Press Secretary or the President, or any politicians. The term can refer to the informal interactions between the press and the press secretary or politician that occur before a former press briefing.

gaggle 最初的意思是指一群大雁,后来引申为:1)指一群乱哄哄、吵吵闹闹的人:如一群乱哄哄的记者;2)政府工作人员向记者提供信息的非正式会

press gaggle (与press conference 或 press briefing 不同) 是指由白宫新闻秘书、总统或其他政客主持的非正式新闻发布会。这个词可以指在正式新闻发布会之前,媒体与新闻秘书、总统或政客之间的非正式互动。

The 26 most off-the-rails lines from Donald Trump’s press gaggle aboard Air Force One (CNN)

Trump’s latest press gaggle was remarkably nasty, even by his standards. Over the course of 15 minutes, the president heaped scorn on Democrats, the media, and immigrants. (vox.com)


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