英语词组: cold storage


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

cold storage

a condition of being held or continued without being acted on ;the temporary postponement of something;a state of being held in abeyance; a state of temporary inactivity;a state of temporary suspension


Many outlets published their obituaries of Bush. Obituaries are a strange art—most big news organizations write them in advance then keep them in cold storage, particularly when subjects are advanced in years and/or have a serious medical condition (Bush announced, in 2012, that he was living with vascular parkinsonism, a mobility-limiting disease). Political obituaries, in particular, can thus feel suspended in time—infusing the historical period they cover with the assumptions and values of when they were written. When finally published, obituaries are updated to mirror the mood of the day—setting a narrative around a dead public figure that subsequent coverage tends to reinforce.


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