英语词组:a foregone conclusion


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

a foregone conclusion

a result that is obvious to everyone even before it happens;a result that can be predicted with certainty.

synonyms: certainty · predictable result · predictable outcome · inevitability · matter of course · racing certainty · sure thing · cert · dead cert


China’s economic and military prowess has grown over the past two decades with its expanding desire to influence those outside of its borders. While American economic and military prowess is still strong, its desire to influence the world as it once had is receding.

In a classic transitioning power dynamic, China is seeking a greater role in the world while the United States is willingly and, in some cases, unwillingly ceding it. As Robert Gilpin famously described in Hegemonic Decline Theory, when one country becomes unable to provide a leading role in the world and another power rises and begins to take the reins, a hegemonic war will take place to correct the disequilibrium.

This theoretical framework would suggest a conflict between America and China unless the disequilibrium is addressed to correct the underlying notions of inequality.

The Sino-American economic connectivity would, however, preclude this from being a foregone conclusion.


在一个典型的权力过渡动态中,中国正在寻求在世界上扮演更重要的角色,而美国愿意,在某些情况下,不情愿地放弃它。正如罗伯特•吉尔平(Robert Gilpin)在《霸权衰落理论》中所描述的那样,当一个国家无法在世界上发挥主导作用,而另一个大国崛起并开始主导时,就会发生霸权战争来纠正这种不平衡。




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