今日英语单词: hate-watch

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今日英语单词 Word of the Day



To watch a show, film, or other program that one strongly dislikes for the purpose of being able to criticize it or derive enjoyment from such disdain (thefreedictionary)

to watch and take pleasure in laughing at or criticizing (a disliked television show, movie, etc.) (merriam-webster)

to deliberately watch a programme or film you know you will hate (macmillandictionary)

hate-watch (NPR News)


带着批判甚至仇恨情绪观看某个节目;观看自己非常不喜欢的节目、电影或其他节目,目的是为了批评它或从这种蔑视中获得乐趣; 批评式观看;讨厌地观看


Only 27% of people here like Meghan, according to YouGov, while a slight majority don’t. Among them is Jan Veale, a retired hairdresser from Devon, in southwest England. Veale doesn’t like the couple and plans to hate-watch the series. (NPR News)

根据YouGov的数据显示,英国只有27%的人喜欢梅根,而略占多数的人不喜欢。简·维尔(Jan Veale)就是其中之一,他是英格兰西南部德文郡的一名退休理发师。简·维尔不喜欢这对夫妻,打算批评式观看这部系列记录片。

Now, hate-watching terrible movies and commenting with biting commentary is everywhere—on TV and definitely on Twitter and YouTube. (Bryan Lufkin, Popular Mechanics, 14 Apr. 2017)/merriam-webster


Their problems are much bigger than vengeful Patriots fans who no can longer even bring themselves to hate-watch them. (Luke Kerr-dineen, USA TODAY, 27 Apr. 2017)/merriam-webster



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