英语词组: roll the dice; the front burner


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

roll the dice 掷骰子 (引申为孤注一掷)

1. Literally, to roll dice, as for or in a game of chance.
2. By extension, to take some risk on the hope or chance of a fortunate outcome.
— thefreedictionary
在某事或某人上赌博或冒险; 为了得到积极的东西而冒险

UK rolls the dice on Brexit election. MPs in the U.K. parliament have opted to roll the dice and put their faith in the electorate.
— Politico Oct 30, 2019

President Trump will roll the dice in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians on Wednesday, breaking with historical precedent by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
— The Hill June 12, 2017

(on) the front burner

getting or needing immediate attention

A few important members of Congress are making an effort to keep human rights on the front burner.

Any stumbles in the Democratic debate next month and the issue will be back on the front burner. (CNN Sep 24, 2019)

The Koch political network rode the wave of the Tea Party movement expertly, injecting its own concerns into the Tea Party’s agenda, and turning climate change into a front burner issue for the movement.
— Emily Atkin, The New Republic, “How David Koch Changed The World,” 23 Aug. 2019

The challenges after that month of media exposure, then Congress has moved on to now dealing with tax policy and other issues, and this is kind of gone off the front burner.
— Eric Johnson, Recode, “Silicon Valley congressman Ro Khanna explains his ‘internet bill of rights’,” 6 Oct. 2018


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