今日英语词汇: dive into, overblown, offload, hark back to, rave, trip

儒琴今日英语词汇选自日常用语,欧美报刊文章, 以及英语原文小说。每天坚持学习今日英语词汇,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品;增强日常英语交流能力。

儒琴今日英语词汇 Words & Phrases of the Day

dive into sth

past tense dived or US also dove | past participle dived

become suddenly and enthusiastically involved in or occupied with something;to start doing something suddenly and energetically, often without stopping to think
突然和热情地参与或从事某事; 突然和精力充沛地开始做某事; 贸然投入到…之中

The White House dove into damage control this week after reports of dysfunction and infighting in Vice President Kamala Harris’ office, with the administration trying to stop a drama-filled narrative from taking hold, according to five people who spoke to CNN about the dynamics within Harris’ office. (CNN/July 02, 2021)


adjective disapproving /ˌoʊ.vɚˈbloʊn/

bigger or more important or impressive than it should be;excessively inflated or pretentious. expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature

Top White House officials and aides to the vice president went on the record to defend Harris and Flournoy, calling reports of infighting and dysfunction overblown or simply untrue. And Harris’ outside allies and advisers — like influential adviser Minyon Moore and Democratic strategist Bakari Sellers — quickly took to Twitter, looking to drown out the criticism.


verb [ T ] /ˈɑːf.loʊd/

to get rid of something that you do not want by giving it to someone else
卸去(累赘);把(不想要的东西转移) 给别人

The property, which was offloaded by the local town hall as part of an initiative to boost the populations of communities in decline (similar to many being operated across Italy), is located in the quiet neighborhood of Connio, where just 12 people live. (CNN/21st June 2021)

hark back to

1: to turn back to an earlier topic or circumstance. 2 : to go back to something as an origin or source.
回想; 重提; 使想起

In the attic, he discovered relics from the building’s former life: dusty piles of old text books, inkwells, glass bottles, pupil registers and other quirky items harking back to the bygone days when 20 pupils were taught in what is now Patrick’s living room. (CNN/21st June 2021)


noun [ C ] /reɪv/

an event where young people dance to modern electronic music and sometimes;a lively party or gathering involving dancing and drinking

“There’s this one night when all the young people get together and throw a huge rave party with loud music till the next morning,” says Patrick. “Otherwise it’s just chirping birds and utter silence. I feel guilty if I am using a chainsaw.”(CNN/21st June 2021)


verb (SWITCH)[ T ]

to move a switch that operates an electrical system, or to cause such a system to start or stop working by moving a switch; to release or operate (a mechanism) especially by releasing a catch or detent
启动开关, 或关掉(开关); 开闸,关闸

“The wiring was typical of a small old Italian village — scary-thin and not suitable for modern tech equipment. I could turn on only the lights, nothing else, not even the microwave. It had few kilowatts of power and kept tripping (经常跳闸.” (CNN/21st June, 2021)


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