今日英语词汇: antebellum, pueblo, everglade, Big Sur, saguaro

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儒琴今日英语词汇 Words & Phrases of the Day

adjective [ before noun ]/ˌæn.t̬əˈbel.əm/

existing before a war, especially existing before the American Civil War

Savannah’s grand architecture, a mix of masterpieces that spans the pre-Revolution period to the antebellum years to Reconstruction in the post-Civil War era, is an authentication to its colonial past with its red brick, wrought iron, stucco and even tabby, the so-called coastal concrete that’s a mix of lime, water and oyster shells.

noun [ C ]/ˈpweb.loʊ/ plural pueblos

a North American Indian settlement of the southwestern US, especially one consisting of multistoried adobe houses built by the Pueblo people;the communal dwelling of an American Indian village of Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent areas consisting of contiguous flat-roofed stone or adobe houses in groups sometimes several stories high

The airy settlement that we explored had been built by the Anasazi, a civilization that arose as early as 1500 B.C. Their descendants are today’s Pueblo Indians, such as the Hopi and the Zuni, who live in 20 communities along the Rio Grande, in New Mexico, and in northern Arizona.

noun [‘evəgleɪd]

a swampy grassland especially in southern Florida usually containing saw grass and at least seasonally covered by slowly moving water —usually used in plural

The Everglades is teeming with plant and animal species not found anywhere else on the planet. The Everglades provides important habitat for numerous species like the manatee, American crocodile and the elusive Florida panther. The park has long been a birder’s paradise — it is the winter home of more than 360 different species of birds.

Big Sur

one of the world’s most unforgettable stretches of coastline. This roughly 90-mile-long stretch of redwood- and fog-trimmed waterfront between Carmel-by-the-Sea and Hearst Castle draws you (and writers like Henry Miller and Beat Generation darling Jack Kerouac) in with a magic allure that is almost palpable. (visitcalifornia.com)
中文翻译:大瑟尔,或大苏尔。大瑟尔美国加利福尼亚中部海岸的一段崎岖不平的地带。东临圣卢西亚山脉(Santa Lucia Mountains),西临太平洋,狭窄的2车道1号州公路(State Route 1)横贯而过,这条公路以蜿蜒曲折、常常雾蒙蒙的海岸线而闻名。这个人口稀少的地区有许多可供徒步旅行、露营和海滩漫步的州立公园。

The classic drive through Big Sur, along twisting Highway 1, offers plenty of pullovers at places like seen-it-in-a-million-car-commercials Bixby Bridge. Stop at parks along the coastline and look up to see endangered California condors, North America’s largest birds, or look down to scan the swells for migrating whales or sea otters floating among dense beds of kelp, California’s signature seaweed. Campgrounds abound, like Big Sur Campground, Fernwood Resort, Riverside Campground, and Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. (visitcalifornia.com/)

noun [səˈwɑːrəʊ ] 注意:没有“g”的发音

The saguaro is a tree-like cactus species in the monotypic genus Carnegiea that can grow to be over 12 meters tall. It is native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Mexican state of Sonora, and the Whipple Mountains and Imperial County areas of California. (wikipedia)
树形仙人掌; 这种树形仙人掌可高达15米左右, 其中大部分是水。很多鸟就在树形仙人掌上面打洞安家。

The saguaro is one of 51 species of cactus that are native to Arizona, but it is undoubtedly the most well known. You may have seen one in a Western movie set in Texas or New Mexico, but chances are the filming actually took place right here, because the cactus can only be found in the lush Sonoran Desert of Arizona, as well as our southern neighbor state of Sonora, Mexico, and in some areas of southeastern California. (visitphoenix)


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