今日英语俚语:gold digger


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

gold digger

a person who dates others purely to extract money from them, in particular a woman who strives to marry a wealthy man; a person who forms relationships with others purely to extract money from them.

gold digger 字面意思是:淘金者。作为英语俚语,gold digger引申为“以色相诱骗钱财的人”, 类似“傍大款 “拜金者”的说法;一个纯粹为了榨取钱财而和别人约会或结婚的人,尤其是一个努力想嫁给有钱人的女人。

Are You a Gold Digger? Melania Trump Gave an Honest Answer!

ECONOTIMES – 02/26/2020: The opinions on First Lady Melania Trump change from day to day. But, the one that was around for some time now is the one that she’s with Donald Trump because of his money. In the past, when they were freshly married, she was often asked this question. But, the answer was always foggy.

During a class at New York University, which Melania attended, she was indirectly asked about her marriage and the reasons she married Donald. This story dates back to 2005, but even back then, the now First Lady was being accused of being a gold digger.

Melania was not offended by this question. The people who believed so were many, but she didn’t care. Instead, she gave an honest answer. The former supermodel stated that she did not marry him because of his money. According to Ms. Trump, it was POTUS who married her for her good looks.



梅拉尼娅参加了纽约大学(New York University)的一节课,她在课上被间接问到她的婚姻以及她嫁给唐纳德的原因。这个故事要追溯到2005年,但即使在那时,现在的第一夫人也被指责是拜金女。



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