今日英语俚语:asphalt jungle


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

asphalt jungle

concrete jungle;a big city or a specified part of a big city;an ugly grey area of a city where people live in closely crowded apartment buildings and there is little space and no trees or grass;the paved landscape of the city; the city viewed as a savage place;the crowded city, esp. regarded as a place of predatory behavior in a struggle for survival

asphalt jungle(字面意思:沥青丛林), 如同 concrete jungle (字面意思:水泥丛林),引申描述大城市,尤其大城市中丑陋的灰色地带,人们住在拥挤不堪的公寓楼里,到处是钢筋水泥,几乎没有太多的空间,没有树木或草地; 被视为野蛮之地的城市; 拥挤的城市,尤指被视为食肉动物为生存而斗争的地方。

After 10 years living in that asphalt jungle, I’m looking forward to being in a place with a bit of grass and friendly neighbors.

He said that he lives in the Asphalt Jungle, otherwise known as the New York City. I was intrigued by his reference to New York City. I heard people talk about the Big Apple, but not Asphalt Jungle.

To me concrete/asphalt jungle, is just a common way to describe the appearance of any modern city. The literal translation of this phrase functions in my language too, although I believe that it was originated in one of the English speaking.


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