今日英语俚语:babe magnet


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

babe magnet
Or chick magnet

1. A person, typically male, who is very attractive to women; a man who attracts lots of women, the way a magnet attracts metal. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness.
2. A thing perceived as contributing to a man’s attractiveness.

babe 指女孩,美女;magnet 指吸引女孩的磁铁(这里指:男人),或能增加男人吸引力的东西。能吸引女孩的男人。常用于某种程度的幽默或滑稽的说法。

“[Mr Trump] is a constant emolument magnet. He thinks of himself as a babe magnet, but he’s an emoluments magnet,” Professor Tribe added.

“He went out and bought a big yacht, and he had a very interesting life,” Trump said, emphasizing the “interesting” suggestively. “I won’t go any more than that, because you’re Boy Scouts, so I’m not going to tell you what he did,” the president continued, before asking, “Should I tell you? Should I tell you? You’re Boy Scouts, but you know life. You know life.” Okay, thanks, Mr. President — so lesson learned? Yachts are babe magnets.
“他出去买了一艘大游艇,他的生活非常有趣,”特朗普说,并暗示地强调了“有趣”。“我不会再多说了,因为你们是童子军,所以我不会告诉你们他做了什么。”总统接着问道,“我应该告诉你们吗?”要我告诉你吗?你们是童子军,但你们懂生活。你知道生活。”好的,谢谢,总统先生-吸取了什么教训? 游艇是增加男人对女人吸引力的东西。


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