今日英语俚语:go south


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

go south

To cease working or functioning; to quit, fail, or fall apart ; fall in value, deteriorate, or fail.

逃亡消失; 停止工作; 放弃、失败或崩溃; 贬值、恶化或失败

As President Donald Trump prepares to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other world leaders at this weekend’s G-20 summit, CNBC’s Jim Cramer wanted to help investors hedge against the risk of U.S.-China trade talks going south.
在美国总统特朗普准备在本周末的20国集团峰会上会见中国领导人之际,CNBC的吉姆·克莱默(Jim Cramer)希望帮助投资者对冲美中贸易谈判破裂的风险。

While reports have suggested that Trump will seek a truce at the Buenos Aires, Argentina gathering, Cramer thought he might use more of a stick-and-carrot approach, keeping with his plan of raising the existing 10-percent tariffs on Chinese imports to 25 percent at year-end, then offering a “carrot” by holding off on an additional round of duties.


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