英语习语:nail your colours to the mast


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

nail your colours to the mast

to make it obvious what your opinions or plans are; to defiantly display one’s opinions and beliefs; to show one’s intention to hold on to those beliefs until the end.

nail your colours to the mast 该习语里的单词 colours 是旗子(flag)的意思。早期在欧洲海战中,如果一方的战舰桅杆上 Striking the colors (降旗),就标明该战舰要投降,接受战败的意思。

在海战中,人们还习惯将大炮对准敌舰的桅杆开火,从而使敌舰瘫痪。如果一艘船的桅杆全部折断,旗子降下来,船长通常除了投降别无选择。如果船长决定在这条遭到炮击的船上继续战斗,那就把从桅杆降下的旗子再挂在船上残存的桅杆索具上,也就是说 nail your colours to the mast (字面意思:把旗子钉在桅杆上)。而 nail your colours to the mast,引申意思是:绝不投降,继续战斗;明确表态;表明意图;明确宣布自己的观点, 毫不退让。

如果你 nail your colours to the mast,意思是你清楚而公开地陈述你对某事的观点、信仰,坚定自己的立场。

It’s time to nail our colours to the mast and condemn this dreadful policy.

More businesses should nail their political colours to the mast. Silicon Valley is standing up to Trump, but it’s not just tech firms that ought to show moral leadership.

Melissa Cohen, who is originally from South Africa, works as a documentary filmmaker and conservationist. She is said to be very passionate about wildlife and preservation, and a friend told the Daily Mail, “Mel has never been conventional and if there is something anti out there, then she will sign up and nail her colors to the mast. She loves animals and the wild and is fervently anti-poaching and lately she has become very vocal about antisemitism. She is very adventurous and still calls herself ”jungle girl” and loves to travel, always crashing out with old friends.” (thelist.com/ Feb. 13, 202)


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