英语习语:smell blood in the water


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

smell blood in the water

a sign that someone can be attacked, especially because they are already weak;The exposure of a competitive weakness in an opponent that arouses increased competitive aggression in others.

to smell blood in water 字面意思:闻到水里的血腥味。这里暗指鲨鱼闻到水里的血腥味,会发出攻击。换句话说,如果游泳者受伤流血,鲨鱼可以嗅出,使受伤的游泳者处于危险境地。引申意思:所以,无论是在工作中还是在其他方面,如果一个人很弱,处在不利的地位,就容易被别人攻击,其他人就会利用这种情况;一个对手的竞争弱点的暴露会引起其他人的竞争攻击性。

After their opponents’ star striker left the match with an injury, the home team smelled blood in the water and brought on their attack with everything they had.

As this author noted earlier on Sunday, the liberal media is adamant they smell President Trump’s blood in the water and they’re eager to declare his presidency dead. But during the network Sunday talk shows on ABC and NBC, their conservative panelists pushed back hard on that narrative and even mocked how they make the same claim “every other week”.


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