英语习语:front burner


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

on the front burner

getting or needing immediate attention;the condition of being in active consideration or development a position of priority —usually used in the phrase on the front burner; of a high priority; given more or a lot of thought or attention.

front burner 字面意思是:炉子灶台前面的火口。国外炉子的灶台,电炉、电磁炉或煤气炉一般大小有5个以上火口,在最外面的火口,即前面的火口 ( front burner ) 火力大, 而且前面的火口前后左右空间大,操作方便, 厨师一般把最需要注意的食物放在炉子灶台前面的火口来做,后来 (on the) front burner 引申为:放优先位置;处于重要地位;首要问题;当务之急;处于积极考虑或发展中的状态;需要立即注意的事情等等。

如果一个问题是 on the front burner,说明这个问题会得到很多关注,因为它被认为比它他问题更紧急或更重要。

Climate change returns to the front burner for Biden administration.

Any stumbles in the Democratic debate next month and the issue will be back on the front burner. (CNN Sep 24, 2019)
如果下个月的民主党辩论出现任何失误,这个问题就会重新成为首要问题。(CNN 2019年9月24日)

The Koch political network rode the wave of the Tea Party movement expertly, injecting its own concerns into the Tea Party’s agenda, and turning climate change into a front burner issue for the movement.
— Emily Atkin, The New Republic, “How David Koch Changed The World,” 23 Aug. 2019
—艾米莉·阿特金,The New Republic,“大卫·科赫如何改变世界”,2019年8月23

The challenges after that month of media exposure, then Congress has moved on to now dealing with tax policy and other issues, and this is kind of gone off the front burner.


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