英语习语:put someone on the spot


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

put someone on the spot

To force one to do something instantaneously, often causing them unease or embarrassment;to ask someone forthright questions; to demand that someone produce as expected;If you put someone on the spot, you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at that moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision(Cambridge).


put someone on the spot 这一习语有两层意思:1. 立即, 立刻(Immediately, at once); 2. 在一个非常困难的情况下(in a very difficult situation)。这两个意思都有几百年的历史了。1723年,乔纳森·斯威夫特( 致查尔斯·福特先生)写道:“如果他们当场抓住了你,你就一定是策划了阴谋(If once they get you on the spot you must be guilty of the plot,”)。”这显然是指糟糕的情况。然而,To put someone on the spot 似乎是20世纪美国人的口头语,在黑帮俚语中,意思是将某人标记为死刑。

另一个意思(at once 或 immediately)可以追溯到19世纪。诗人威廉·皮特·帕尔默(William Pitt Palmer, 1805-84)在《Smack in School》一书中写道:“先生,我实在受不了,我站起来当场吻了她(I couldn’t stand it, sir, at all, but up and kissed her on the spot)。” (idioms.thefreedictionary.com/)

Trump Supporter Puts Him On The Spot With Question About His ‘Bullying’ Language. The woman asked the president to stop his combative language and evasive behavior toward the press. (huffpost.com)
特朗普的支持者当场让特朗普难堪,质疑他的“欺凌”语言。 这名女子要求总统停止对媒体使用好斗的语言和回避的行为。

Put on the spot over white supremacy, President Trump tells Proud Boys to ‘stand by’ 。 President Donald Trump again struggled to find the words to denounce white supremacy in a brief exchange during Tuesday night’s debate in Cleveland. (wrbl.com)


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