英语习语:you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours

One person helps another on condition that the second person helps them in return; used to tell someone that if they help you, you will help them.

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours 字面意思:你帮我抓抓背,我也帮你抓抓背。引申:你帮我,我也帮你。互惠帮忙;照顾那些照顾照顾你的人。

人们会说you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours来描述一个人帮助另一个人的方式,因为他们知道那个人也会帮助他们作为回报。

You scratch my back, and I ‘ll scratch yours 这个短语起源于17世纪的英国海军。它指的是对不守纪律的惩罚,违法者将被绑在桅杆上,并被鞭打。海军士兵之间达成了一个协议,实际上,谁不守纪律只是轻轻抓挠违法者的后背。短语“scratch someone’s back”的缩写版本最早记录于1704年。

For those who do not speak Latin or who may be unacquainted with legal terminology, the basic concept behind “quid pro quo” can be summed up in a more colloquial saying in English: If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. (nytimes.com/2019/11/20/)
对于不懂拉丁语或不熟悉法律术语的人来说,“quid pro quo”(交换条件)背后的基本概念可以用英语中一个更口语的说法来概括:If you scratch my back, I ‘ll scratch yours (你帮我,我也帮你)。

Cover-up at the UN: You Scratch My Back and I’ll Scratch Yours. In 2020, the UN celebrates its 75 years of life. Voices are raised from everywhere calling for its reform. Even his secretary, Antonio Gutierres, he does sow, without reporting what the real problems are to be solved. After the article, Is this the UN we want?, in this text, Thalif Deen analyzes the hypocrisy of the UNSC an institution that has become inoperative. (United Nations (IPS) 01.07.2020 Thalif Deen)
联合国的掩饰: 你帮我,我也帮你。2020年,联合国将迎来它的75岁生日。各地都有要求改革的声音。就连他的秘书安东尼奥·古铁雷斯(Antonio Gutierres)也心存疑虑,但没有报告真正需要解决的问题是什么。这是我们想要的联合国吗?在本文中,塔利夫·迪恩(Thalif Deen)分析了联合国安理会这个已经失效的机构的伪善。


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