英语习语:go to bat for


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

go to bat for

If you go to bat for someone or go in to bat for them, you give them your support;take the side of, support, defend.

某人辩护, 替某人出力;支持; 为…出力;庇护;辩护。 这个词起源于棒球,意思是简单地替换另一个击球手,但现在这种帮助球队的方法已经被广泛使用。

After Donald Trump decided to withdraw from Syria, the president found himself isolated. Republicans raged. James Mattis quit. But Mike Pompe goes to bat for Trump.

All your favorite conservatives will eventually go to bat for Trump. This will influence even more people to go Trumpian. Can you resist the peer pressure or will you give in and go MAGA?
所有你喜欢的保守派最终都会支持特朗普。这将影响更多的人去支持特朗普。你能抵抗来自同辈的压力吗? 还是会屈服,并让美国更强大。


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