英语习语:throw a bone


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

throw a bone

To do something small to make someone happy, like throwing a dog a bone to make it stop barking;to attempt to appease or placate someone by giving them something trivial or of minor importance or by doing some small favor for them.

throw a bone 字面意思:给(某人)扔一块骨头。引申意思是:给某人一点小恩小惠、给某人一点好处;可怜某人;给人表面上的小恩小惠;给某人东西,但并不合乎他的期望。

A recurring theme has been the automakers’ reliance on cheap Mexican labor. Trump has hammered the Big Three repeatedly on this point since the campaign trail, threatening to impose a tariff on Mexican-made vehicles and to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement. The Big Three want neither of those things, so they throw Trump a bone here and there to try to keep him off their asses.

McConnell tried to throw a bone to Trump supporters by claiming he wanted to finish out strong before the January 20 handoff. “I look forward to finishing out the next 36 days strong with President Trump,” McConnell stated. Trump supporters were livid that McConnell threw in the towel while President Trump was still contesting the results of the election and polls showed over 70 percent of Republican voters believe the election was rigged.
麦康奈尔试图给特朗普的支持者一点小恩小惠,声称他希望在1月20日交接前强势结束。麦康奈尔说:“我期待着在接下来的36天里与特朗普总统一起强势结束。” 特朗普的支持者对麦康奈尔认输表示愤怒,而特朗普总统仍在争夺选举结果,民调显示,超过70%的共和党选民认为选举被操纵。


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