英语习语:lipstick on a pig


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

lipstick on a pig

Some superficial or cosmetic change to something so that it seems more attractive, appealing, or successful than it really is;an unsuccessful attempt to make something ugly look more attractive;a figure of speech used to describe attempts to make an ugly fact, policy or item seem more appealing.

lipstick on a pig 字面意思:给猪涂口红。引申:比喻想要把丑陋的事物变美好而做的无用功:为了使一件丑陋的事情看起来更有吸引力,更有吸引力,或更成功而做的一些表面的或修饰性的改变; 使丑陋的事物看起来更有吸引力的不成功的尝试。

I put lipstick on a pig,” Schwartz told Mayer. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.”
我把丑陋的事物变美好而做了无用功。” 我感到深深的懊悔,因为我帮助特朗普获得了更广泛的关注,让他比现在更有吸引力。”

The only things the new manager has come up with to save the restaurant have been to put lipstick on a pig, but slapping on a fresh coat of paint and making a few repairs will do nothing to address the underlying problems.
这位新经理想出的拯救餐馆的唯一办法就是做一些无用的表面文章 :涂上一层新的油漆,再做一些修理,对解决根本问题毫无用处。


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