新闻英语词汇: clapback, riposte, zinger, repartee


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

clapback, riposte, zinger, repartee

加拿大联邦换届大选, 以及美国总统大选, 一场场候选人辩论或单独站台,如同一场场用语言和手势为武器的拳击赛, 看着过瘾。

如何机敏的回答;巧妙的应对,成为每个候选人事后被点评的重点。我留意了记者报道大选和候选人时使用的“如何应对 ”等相关的英文单词或词组。归纳如下:

clapback 怒对,机智应对 (noun)

Millennials viewers perked up when they heard Singh get colloquial in a clapback.

“I’mma give you some advice here — pro tip, don’t double down on that,” Singh shot back at Scheer, who was criticizing the NDPs’ pharmacare plan by arguing that the vast majority of Canadians are already eligible for prescription coverage, and the focus should be on those who “fall through the cracks”.

one liner 俏皮话,打趣话;小笑话 (noun phrase)

While the winners and losers of the night will be debated in the days to come, here’s a selection of some of the night’s best one-liners.

“Step one is, appoint a secretary of education who actually believes in public education,” said Buttegieg.

riposte 机敏的回答 (noun)

As former Congressman John Delaney and other of the lesser-known centrists continued to knock her big-ticket progressive plans, Warren was ready with the riposte.

wisecrack 妙语 (noun & verb)

By Louisiana standards, the race could almost be considered a bit of a snoozer, without the prostitution scandals, corruption allegations and wisecracking characters of prior elections.

comeback 巧妙回答 (noun & verb)

Biden’s comeback: “I stand with Barack Obama all eight years — good, bad and indifferent.” Although intramural friction flared, more of the night’s vitriol was aimed at Trump.

zinger 机智的言论或反驳 (noun)

New York Times: “Catchy debate lines alone rarely determine the outcome of a race. But there is a skill to landing the perfect zinger, the kind of quick remark that can reinvigorate a campaign, boost fund-raising, allay concerns about a candidate or even sink an opponent.”

rejoinder 反驳 (noun)

Trudeau had no particular rejoinder to fight fire with fire. All night he had trouble being the prime minister. He has a hesitant speaking style when he’s thinking aloud, and that never helps when opponents take a nanosecond to interrupt. He looked a bit diminished, mostly like a candidate for the office, not the occupant of it.

repartee 机敏巧妙的回答 (noun)

What else could one expect from a format that offered up witless repartee as “rebuttals” — and a long segment with no questions at all?

down pat 对…烂熟于心,对…了如指掌 (adv)

Unlike the vast majority of his rivals in Detroit, the 37-year-old McKinsey alum had his lines down pat. Buttigieg had a clear, confident answer to (almost) every question he fielded, and proved particularly adept at making the case for his unique strengths in a general-election campaign against Trump.


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