今日英语词汇: overreach, barge in(to), below the belt, a knife fight in a telephone booth


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

verb & noun /ˌoʊ.vɚˈriːtʃ/

to fail by trying to achieve, spend, or do more than you can manage
(Cambridge )

Companies that overreach themselves soon find themselves in debt.

As I see it, Brexit—and the other disruptions that were caused  by the wave of right-wing nationalism in Europe—are, to a significant extent, a reaction to overreach by the EU.
(The NationalInterest)

Trump’s overreach is making a weaker presidency. Far from a display of strength, Trump’s unilateral action exhibited his weakness. ( thehill Feb 20, 2019)

barge in(to)

To abruptly and/or rudely interrupt or intrude on someone or something without warning.
(粗鲁地)打断,插话, 闯入

My bedroom is a private place, you can’t just barge in like that! John thought he’d found the door to the restroom, but he accidentally barged into the board meeting instead.(Thefreedictionary)

Trump barged into the fray in Kavanaugh’s defense, relishing the opening to revive one of the most emotional and GOP-unifying chapters of his presidency.
(CNN Sep 16, 2019)

Washington(CNN) Britain was only hours into what could be its biggest constitutional crisis since World War II when President Donald Trump barged in.
(CNN Aug 28, 2019)

below the belt

Unfairly targeted at one’s weakness or vulnerability. The phrase refers to boxing, in which hitting an opponent below the waist is prohibited. (Thefreedictionary)

If a remark is below the belt, it is very insulting and unfair.
暗箭伤人的;不公正的 (Cambridge)

I know she really wants the promotion, but telling the boss about my personal problems was below the belt.

“In the third debate, they asked me a lot of questions and I didn’t feel anything was below the belt,” Kasich told CNN
Sat October 31, 2015

We can lay out the differences without hitting below the belt: Buttigieg on debate. (watsupamericas)

a knife fight in a telephone booth

tied in a close race; neck and neck in a race; a chaotic scene or moment. 竞争激烈;难分输赢;场面混乱

Canadian election is a knife fight in a telephone booth: Nanos Research. (bnnbloomberg) Sep 16, 2019

Knock-down drag-out, sort of like a knife fight in a phone booth,” McConnell told reporters at a news conference after Congress concluded its legislative business the day before.
(The Washington Post ) September 29, 2016


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