今日英语词汇: -esque, with guns blazing, emcee, Presbyterian, do-over, counterprogram, counter-message


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day

suffix / -esk/
like or in the style of someone or their work

The rest of the evening’s lineup is packed with a younger generation of Biden-esque lawmakers, moderates with cross-party appeal who can help Biden carry out his plan to win the race in the Midwest.(CNBC)

with guns blazing
(also all guns blazing)
If you do something, especially argue, with guns blazing, you do it with a lot of force and energy.
I went into the meeting with guns blazing, determined not to let him win. 我进入会场的时候下定决心真刀真枪跟他争辩,决不让他得逞。(Cambridge)

Donald Trump came out guns blazing at a mini rally in Yuma, Arizona on Tuesday accusing former President Barack Obama and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden of ‘treason’ in his first sentence .(Daily Mail)

verb & noun /ˌemˈsiː/
司仪;(演出等的)节目主持人; 担任司仪;担任(演出等的)节目主持人
to introduce performers in a television, radio, or stage show

Former first lady Michelle Obama, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo are among the headliners for the first night of programming that will be emceed by actress Eva Longoria. (CNN)

adjective /ˌprez.bɪˈtɪr.i.ən/
relating or belonging to a Christian group that has members especially in Scotland and the US

Trump was seen wearing a protective face mask as he arrived at New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center in Lennox Hill late Friday afternoon. (Daily Mail)

a new attempt or opportunity to do something after a previous attempt has been unsuccessful or unsatisfactory
重来一遍; 返工; 在先前的尝试失败或不令人满意之后,做某事的新的尝试或机会

Belarus draws largest protest yet as Lukashenko rejects election do-over. Tens of thousands of protesters rallied in the Belarus capital of Minsk on Sunday as President Aleksandr Lukashenko, the man known as “Europe’s last dictator,” rejected calls to hold a new election and accused NATO of massing at the country’s western border. (Axios)

counterprogram (counter-program)
transitive verb
to schedule a television program for broadcast at the same time as (another program)

Donald Trump holds mini-rally in Mankato, Minnesota, as part of lightning campaign swing designed to counter-program the Democratic National Convention. ( Daily Mail)

counter-message / 反宣传
a kind of counterpropaganda, a form of communication consisting of methods taken and messages relayed to oppose propaganda which seeks to influence action or perspectives among a targeted audience. It is closely connected to propaganda as the two often employ the same methods to broadcast methods to a targeted audience. Counterpropaganda differs from propaganda as it is defensive and responsive to identified propaganda. Additionally, counterpropaganda consists of several elements that further distinguish it from propaganda and ensure its effectiveness in opposing propaganda messages. (Wiki)

President Trump kicked off a campaign Monday to counter-message the Democratic convention with dual trips to swing states Minnesota and Wisconsin, highlighting his economic agenda as he trails former Vice President Joe Biden less than three months before the election. ( The Hill)


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