今日英语词汇: whipping boy, a viper’s nest, siren call, pull the plug on, snap back, floor speech, prognosticator


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

whipping boy
noun [ C usually singular ]/ˈwɪp.ɪŋ ˌbɔɪ/
someone or something that is blamed or punished for problems that are caused by someone or something else
替罪羊,代人受过者 (Cambridge)

The U.N., with a handful of exceptions, presupposes that all countries should get an equal voice. This means that on the Human Rights Council, for example, Australia’s vote counts the same as Qatar’s, and Japan’s the same as Venezuela’s. In practice, this means the Human Rights Council has become a body where the world’s worst human rights abusers shield each other from criticism. For an added kick of anti-Semitism, the body makes Israel its whipping boy. (Washington Examiner)

a viper’s nest
A group of iniquitous people, congregating together.

The U.N. had its advantages once upon a time, but now it’s nothing more than a viper’s nest. Relegate it to the ash heap of history, and establish a better system in its place. (Washington Examiner)

siren call
noun [ C usually S ](also siren song)
a powerful force that attracts you to something

Commission remains vulnerable to Big Tobacco’s siren song, report says.
Big Tobacco is up to its old tricks ahead of a major regulatory overhaul, a watchdog says. The European Commission is unprepared for an impending lobbying blitz by the tobacco industry, according to a report released Thursday by watchdog Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO). (Politico)

pull the plug (on something)
to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue;force something to end; to remove the means for something to continue operating.

Trump Pulls Plug on Alabama Rally. President Trump’s campaign has scrapped plans to hold a rally in Alabama next weekend amid concerns about coronavirus infections rising, CNN reports.

snap back (phrasal verb); snapback (noun)
to quickly return to a previous condition

Germany agreed. “I would also align myself with what my Chinese colleague just said about the snapback mechanism,” German Ambassador Christoph Heusgen said in concurrence. (Washington Examiner)

Such statements foreshadow a major confrontation at the Security Council in October, when an international arms embargo is set to expire pursuant to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened to snap back all of the international sanctions waived when the Iran deal was lifted if China or Russia veto a new Security Council resolution extending the arms embargo. (Washington Examiner)

floor speech
When a Member of Congress is given time to formally express an opinion or make a statement on an issue before the House, they are said to have the ‘floor’ of the House, and their views are referred to as a ‘Floor Speech’. … The speeches and other proceedings of the House are published daily in the Congressional Record.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a floor speech on Monday that Americans must have “no stigma — none — about wearing masks when we leave our homes and come near other people.” (Axios)

noun /präɡˈnästəˌkādər/
a person who foretells or prophesies a future event

“The reason is the 2016 election, which humbled the president’s smuggest critics and broke the reputation of many election prognosticators. The argument against electoral despair is the same argument Trump makes about rebuilding the post-pandemic economy: He did it once, and he can do it again.” (Dave Weigel)


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