今日英语词汇: polyandry, moratorium, foment, activism, register, put sauce on it, ruffle feathers, at your wits’ end, in flux, plain as day, come to grips with sth


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

noun [ U ]/ˌpɑː.liˈæn.dri/ 一妻多夫(制)
the practice of having more than one husband or permanent male sexual partner at the same time
Note: polygamy /pəˈlɪɡ.ə.mi/ 一夫多妻(制)

But now, an economics professor at Fudan University in Shanghai has come up with another — and, unsurprisingly, controversial — solution: Allow women to have multiple husbands, and they will have multiple babies. “I wouldn’t suggest polyandry if the gender ratio was not so severely imbalanced,” Yew-Kwang Ng, who is Malaysian, wrote in his regular column on a Chinese business website this month. The headline asked: “Is polyandry really a ridiculous idea?” (Washington Post)

noun [ C ] formal/ˌmɔːr.əˈtɔːr.i.əm/
plural moratoriums or moratoria
a stopping of an activity for an agreed amount of time

We’ve advocated that governments should put in place stronger regulations to govern the ethical use of facial recognition technology, and in recent days, Congress appears ready to take on this challenge. We hope this one-year moratorium might give Congress enough time to implement appropriate rules, and we stand ready to help if requested.” (Axios)

verb [ T ] formal /foʊˈment/
to cause trouble to develop:

The 2020 election will bring more Russian-backed online disinformation campaigns aiming to exploit American protests over police brutality and systemic racism in order to foment division and distrust, experts predict. (Axios)

noun [ U ] politics /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪ.zəm/
the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one
black/student activism 黑人/学生运动激进主义
The levels of political activism in this country have greatly declined. 该国工会和政治激进主义的活动势头已大大减弱。

The rise of student-athlete activism. Empowered by social media, college athletes are speaking out on social issues and driving the national conversation in ways their predecessors could only dream about. (Axios)

verb (REALIZE)
If something registers, someone realizes it and if someone registers something, they realize it.

They rarely register the president’s tweets anymore — let alone complain about them. This one felt different. Here was Trump — struggling in the polls, damaged with independents and women who hate his tone — trafficking in a bizarre conspiracy that he had seen on the right-wing OANN cable network to excuse a blatant example of police misconduct.

put sauce on it
To add on to or embellish, an already crazy situation or story

“I don’t think he ever thought of himself as being big,” Johnson said. “There’s a lot of big dudes here, but he was a gentleman and a diplomat and I’m not putting any sauce on it.” (AP)

ruffle feathers
to upset or annoy someone
使(某人)心烦意乱;使(某人)生气;使(某人)恼怒 (Cambridge)

Liberal candidate ruffles feathers after comparing CAQ leader to U.S. President Donald Trump. A Liberal star candidate’s comparison of Coalition Avenir Québec Leader François Legault to U.S. President Donald Trump ruffled feathers on the provincial election campaign Monday. (Globalmail)

at your wits’ end
to be so worried, confused, or annoyed that you do not know what to do next
(因为非常担忧、迷惘或恼火而)不知道下一步该怎么办 (Cambridge)

My phone blew up yesterday with texts from White House aides, current and former, who seemed at their wits’ end over President Trump’s tweet that the 75-year-old Buffalo protester who was rushed to the hospital after being shoved by police last week “could be an ANTIFA provocateur.” (Axios)

in flux / in a (constant) state of flux

The details of the arrangement are still in flux and RNC aides are scrambling to determine whether the northern Florida city has enough hotel rooms to accommodate the quadrennial event, which typically kicks off the final stretch of the presidential campaign. Republican officials were in Jacksonville on Monday looking at the city and the surrounding areas.

plain as day
very easy to understand, see, or hear

“The fact that the polling is even close in Texas should be a four-alarm fire for Team Trump. The electoral map makes it plain as day: If they’ve got even a hint of trouble in Texas, then they’ve got way bigger problems in a lot of other states that are even more telling as presidential bellwethers. If Trump loses Texas and its seismic 38 electoral votes—a state he won by a hefty nine points in 2016—then it’s all over, Baby Blue.” (vanityfair.com)

come to grips with sth
to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation

Beleaguered and besieged, police try to come to grips with a nation’s anger. The crowds have thinned and the smoke has cleared, with more than a week of nationwide protests leaving in their wake a nation increasingly resolved to change a broken law enforcement system.


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