今日英语单词: understudy, reshore, undergird, buck, crater

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

noun [ C ]/ˈʌn.dɚˌstʌd.i/
an actor who learns the parts of other actors in a play, so that he or she can replace them if necessary, for example if they are ill

Joe Biden’s choice of a running mate may be the most important decision he makes during the 2020 presidential campaign. While every White House hopeful looks for someone who can improve the ticket’s odds in November, the morbid reality is that the presumptive Democratic nominee’s age means voters will need more confidence than usual in his understudy’s readiness to assume the presidency. (The National Interest)

verb [ I or T ] /ˌriːˈʃɔːr/
to move a business or part of a business that was based in a different country back to its original country

For all its flaws, increased global trade and international connections has on the whole been a force for prosperity and peace. COVID-19 is forcing a reshoring that, while necessary, could leave the world poorer and less able to counter global threats — including the pandemic itself. (Axios)

verb [ T ] formal /ˌʌn.dɚˈɡɜ˞ːd/
to support something by forming a strong base for it

The development of automation and robotics — another existing trend accelerated by the pandemic — will permit some companies to bring outsourced work home, or even replace workers altogether. The advance of political populism in much of the West has sapped support for the institutions that undergird globalization. (Axios)

If you buck the trend, you obtain different results from others in the same area; if you buck the system, you get what you want by breaking or ignoring the rules.
违背; 从同一领域的其他人那里得到不同的结果; 打破或无视规则得到了你想要的

“That decision was under investigation by a government watchdog who was fired last week at Pompeo’s urging, and it has fueled renewed accusations from lawmakers that the Trump administration bucked the will of Congress and even violated the law when it fast-tracked the weapons sales.” (Axios)

verb slang
to fail; collapse; crash

Crucial Trump-Pelosi relationship craters as mutual heckling intensifies. What was once billed as “the most important relationship in Washington” has fallen to a new low of dysfunction as President Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly trade insults amid an election-year global pandemic. (Washington Examiner)


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