今日英语单词: webinar, oversell, lifer, purview, stark, fixated

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

英语咬文嚼字 The Crazy Logophile

noun [ C ]/ˈweb.ə.nɑːr/
an occasion when a group of people go on the internet at the same time to study and discuss something
网上研讨会 (Cambridge)

That message comes as the pandemic has thrown climate diplomacy into disarray. The global corps of climate negotiators, who would normally be flying from meeting to meeting by this time of year, are at home watching a trickle of low-importance webinars. (Politico)

verb [ T ] mainly US /ˌoʊ.vɚˈsel/ oversold
to exaggerate the merits of; 夸大…的优点。

Many factors muddled the administration’s early response to the coronavirus as officials debated the severity of the threat, including comments from Mr. Trump that minimized the risk. But interviews with more than two dozen administration officials and others involved in the government’s coronavirus effort show that Mr. Azar waited for weeks to brief the president on the threat, oversold his agency’s progress in the early days and didn’t coordinate effectively across the health-care divisions under hipurview.” (wsj.com)

/ˈlaɪ.fɚ/noun: plural noun: lifers
1. informal a person serving a life sentence in prison. 终身囚犯
2. North American a person who spends their life in a particular career

The president’s reelection campaign has been thoroughly upended by the coronavirus. But Trump’s team has revived a plan to quickly define Joe Biden, painting the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee as a Washington lifer, focusing on his links to China and insinuating that he is not up to the job.

noun [ U ] formal /ˈpɝː.vjuː/
the limit of someone’s responsibility, interest, or activity
This case falls outside the purview of this particular court. 这件案子超出了这个法庭的权限。
Some of the bank’s lending operations come under/within the purview of the deputy manager, and some are handled directly by the manager. 银行的一些贷款业务属于副经理的权限范围,而有些则由经理直接管理。(Cambridge)

Perhaps the most straightforward and least complicated undertaking, since it would be entirely within the next president’s purview, is rebuilding the executive branch from the corrupted ruin Trump will leave behind. (The Washington Post

adjective /stɑːrk/
empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary
It was a stark room with a bed and chair as the only furniture. 这个房间很简陋,仅有的家具就是一张床和一把椅子。
The stark reality is that we are operating at a huge loss. 严酷的事实是我们的经营亏损非常严重。
In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark (= extreme) contrast to the slums of the city’s poor

The similarities are even starker on closer examination. The polls depict an electorate that remains split in the same ways, with Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden drawing nearly identical numbers to ones the candidates did four years ago among white voters with or without a college degree.

adjective [ after verb ]/ˈfɪk.seɪ.t̬ɪd/
unable to stop thinking about something
a nation fixated on the past 固恋过去的国家
He became fixated with his best friend’s wife. 他对挚友的妻子异常思恋。(Cambridge)

Coronavirus throws global climate diplomacy into disarray. It’s Earth Day Wednesday, but the Earth is fixated on coronavirus and not climate change.

noun [ C usually singular, + sing/pl verb ] /iˈlek.tɚ.ət/
all the people who are allowed to vote
The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate. 现行的选举制度不能体现选民的真实意愿。(Cambridge)

One of the biggest challenges facing those who seek to understand U.S. elections is establishing an accurate portrait of the American electorate and the choices made by different kinds of voters. Obtaining accurate data on how people voted is difficult for a number of reasons. (people-press.org)


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