今日英语词汇: on a rolling basis, toss up / toss-up, be out of the woods, dine-in practice at restaurants, into the fold, caveat


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

on a rolling basis
灵活变动的时间;滚动时间基础上(没有具体起始时间 No deadline)

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told Fox News the U.S. economy should be able to reopen “on a rolling basis” over the next month or two. Said Kudlow: “The next month or two, we should be able to restart at least on a rolling basis. Our intent here was, is to try to relieve people of the enormous difficult hardships they are suffering through no fault of their own.”

toss up / toss-up
— noun & verb phrase
to throw a coin up into the air and guess which side will land facing up, as a way of making a decision
掷硬币决定; 机会均等,同样可能
Let’s toss up to see who goes first. 让我们通过掷硬币决定谁先来。
It’s a toss-up between Angela and Moira for the editor’s job. 安杰拉和莫伊拉谁能得到编辑职位还难见分晓。(Cambridge)

Our consensus electoral map — compiled from the best electoral forecasts — shows there are currently just five Toss Up states. The polling averages in these states show Biden currently leading in every one (though some are very close). (Taegan Goddard)

be out of the woods
to no longer be in danger or difficulty
The project has been given funding for another year, but it’s not out of the woods yet. 这个项目又获得了一年的资金,但仍未摆脱困境。(Cambridge)

“You’re not out of the woods,” Cuomo said in a news conference Thursday. “We’ve done some great things and we’ve saved lives because we’ve followed these policies (like staying at home).” “The moment we stop following these policies,” cases will soar and hospitals will be overwhelmed again, he said. (CNN)

dine-in practice at restaurants
dine-in practices for food establishments

Non-essential businesses and dine-in practice at restaurants. The provincial regulations require the closure of all non-essential businesses and the prohibition of all dine-in practices for food establishments. By-law staff will be monitoring these businesses and responding to complaints to ensure compliance, which can carry a fine of $880. Fines for all these infractions are provincially mandated and all revenue from the fines will be collected by the Province of Ontario. (Ottawa Government)

into the fold
into a group of people with the same beliefs. This phrase is usually said as bring into the fold or welcome into the fold.

Bided’s got to bring Sanders and Elizabeth Warren into the fold; both still haven’t endorsed him. He’s got to raise a lot of money to compete with President Trump’s money machine, and it’s got to be primary dollars before August (since he can’t tap general election funds until after the convention).

noun [ C ] formal /ˈkæv.i.æt/
a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement
He agreed to the interview, with the caveat that he could approve the final article. 他答应接受访问,条件是访问稿刊登前须经他同意 (Cambridge)

Fauci speculates Americans could take summer vacations, but there are caveats. Americans have the potential to take summer vacations this year — provided that the country continues aggressive mitigation efforts now and gets to a place where it can modify them, the nation’s top infectious disease official said Thursday.


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