医学英语词汇:benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

据说50%男士拿到体检报告之后,会发现医生在体检报告中提到“前列腺增生,或前列腺肥大”。 前列腺包围着尿道,尿道是尿液排出体外的管道。前列腺增大意味着前列腺变大了,出现挤压尿道,造成尿频。随着年龄的增长,前列腺肿大几乎会发生在所有男性身上。前列腺肥大通常称为良性前列腺增生, 英文是: benign prostatic hyperplasia, 简称:BPH。

benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)前列腺增生

benign: 良性
prostatic 前列腺的
hyperplasia 增生

在医学文献中,也有 prostate enlargement 来表达:benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)前列腺增生。


What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia—also called BPH—is a condition in men in which the prostate gland is enlarged and not cancerous. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also called benign prostatic hypertrophy or benign prostatic obstruction.

The prostate goes through two main growth periods as a man ages. The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. The second phase of growth begins around age 25 and continues during most of a man’s life. Benign prostatic hyperplasia often occurs with the second growth phase.

As the prostate enlarges, the gland presses against and pinches the urethra (尿管). The bladder wall becomes thicker. Eventually, the bladder may weaken and lose the ability to empty completely, leaving some urine in the bladder. The narrowing of the urethra and urinary retention—the inability to empty the bladder completely—cause many of the problems associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. (Credit:www.niddk.nih.gov )





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