Yulong River Bamboo Rafting

Bamboo Rafting on Yulong River in Yangshuo – 8 Tips for your Travel

Bamboo rafting on the Yulong River is a popular activity in the picturesque town of Yangshuo, located in Guilin, Guangxi Province, China. To plan bamboo rafting the Yulong River in Yangshuo, here are some steps to consider:

1. Decide on the Time of Visit

Choose the time of year wish to visit Yangshuo for bamboo rafting. Consider the weather, crowds, and the scenic beauty of the area during different seasons.

The best time for bamboo rafting is during the warmer months. The ideal time is generally from spring to autumn when the weather is pleasant and the landscapes are lush.

2. Research Tour Operators

Yulong River Map
Guilin – Yangshuo – Yulong Route

Look for reputable tour operators or guides in Yangshuo who offer bamboo rafting experiences on the Yulong River. Check reviews and recommendations to ensure a reliable and trustworthy service. You can book the bamboo rafting tour in advance to secure your spot, especially during peak travel seasons.

Alternatively you can do the rafting on your own by booking the rafting at the tourist desk in your lodging hotel in Yangshuo. And ask the staff to inform you of the starting point and how to get there. Bamboo rafting tickets: 100 – 300 yuan ( 1-4 hours) due to different sections of the rafting.

3. Choose the Starting and Ending Points

Decide on the starting and ending points for your bamboo rafting trip along the Yulong River. Rafting along the Yulong River is divided into several sections, generally starting from the Golden Dragon Bridge. (Jinlong Bridge Pier)

Generally speaking, you take public bus to Jinlong Bridge Pier ( Golden Dragon Brdige Pier). Or take a tricycle or bus in Yangshuo County, go to Yangshuo North Bus Station, take the “Yangshuo-Jinbao” minibus and get off at Jin Long Bridge Pier. It takes about 40 minutes for 6 yuan.

JInlong Bridge Pier at Yulong Tiver
Jinlong Bridge Pier ( Golden Dragon Bridge Pier)

Consult with your chosen tour operator or your hotel tourist staff to determine the best itinerary based on your preferences and available options.

4. Duration and Route

Determine the duration of your bamboo rafting experience. The typical duration is around 1 to 2 hours, but this can vary based on water conditions and the route chosen.

Bamboo rafting on Yulong River

Discuss your preferences with the tour operator to have an idea of the recommended route and time required to complete it.

5. Accommodation and Transportation

Plan your accommodation in Yangshuo based on the location of the starting point for bamboo rafting. It’s advisable to stay in Yangshuo town or nearby areas for easier access to the river.

Arrange transportation to and from the starting point, either through your tour operator or independently, to ensure a smooth experience.

6. Safety Precautions

Prioritize safety during your bamboo rafting trip. Wear a life jacket provided by the tour operator throughout the rafting experience.

Bamboo Rafting on Yulong River
Passing through under the Yulong Bridge

Follow the instructions of the boatman and ensure you are aware of emergency procedures. Check weather conditions and water levels before your trip, and avoid rafting during times of heavy rainfall or flooding.

7. Additional Activities

Explore other activities to complement your bamboo rafting experience.

view cormorants catching fishes
Viewing cormorants catching fish on Yulong River

Yangshuo has a range of attractions and outdoor activities, such as cycling through the countryside, hiking in the karst mountains, visiting local villages, or enjoying a live performance of the famous “Impression Sanjie Liu” show.

8. Necessary Items

When planning your bamboo rafting trip, pack essentials such as sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, comfortable clothing and footwear, a reusable water bottle, and a waterproof bag to protect your belongings. It’s also recommended to carry insect repellent and a camera to capture the beautiful scenery.

By considering these steps and planning in advance, you can ensure a well-organized and enjoyable bamboo rafting experience on the Yulong River in Yangshuo.

If you have any questions or queries, then please feel free to drop us a line.


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