Drak Yerpa Monastery

How to Plan a Trip to Drak Yerpa in Lhasa – 9 Tips for your Visit

Drak Yerpa, also known as Druk Yerpa or Trak Yerpa, is a sacred site located in the Yerpa Valley, around 30 kilometers northeast of Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet.

Planning a trip to Drak Yerpa in Lhasa requires some considerations. Here’s a general guide to help you plan your visit:

1. ABC of Drak Yerpa (扎叶巴寺)

Sacred Caves and Monastery: Drak Yerpa is renowned for its collection of ancient meditation caves and the Drak Yerpa Monastery. The area has over 80 caves, some of which are believed to have been used for meditation and retreat by Tibetan Buddhist masters, including Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), who introduced Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century.

DRak Yerpa Valley
Drak Yerpa Valley

Historical Significance: Drak Yerpa holds great historical and spiritual significance in Tibetan Buddhism. It is considered one of the holiest and most sacred sites in the region. The caves and monastery have witnessed the practice and teachings of numerous renowned Tibetan masters throughout the centuries.

Stunning Location: The site is nestled amidst rugged cliffs, rocky hills, and stunning natural landscapes. The breathtaking views of the Yerpa Valley, with its lush greenery and panoramic vistas, add to the serene and peaceful ambiance of Drak Yerpa.

Dark Yerpa Nountain
The site is nestled amidst rugged cliffs, rocky hills

Pilgrimage Site: Drak Yerpa is a popular pilgrimage site for both local Tibetans and Buddhist practitioners from around the world. Many pilgrims visit the site to pay homage to the enlightened beings who meditated and attained realization in the sacred caves.

Temple at Drak Yerpa
Cave Temples at the cliff

Cave of the Dharma King Songtsen Gampo: One of the most revered caves in Drak Yerpa is associated with the renowned Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo. It is believed that he used this cave for meditation, and statues of the king, along with his wives, Princesses Wen Cheng and Bhrikuti, can be found here.

2. Choosing the Right Time

The best time to visit Drak Yerpa is during the spring and autumn seasons (April to June and September to October) when the weather is pleasant and stable.

3. Acclimatization

As Lhasa is located at high altitude (over 3,600 meters), acclimatize for a few days upon arrival to minimize the risk of altitude sickness.

Take it easy, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid strenuous activities before heading to Drak Yerpa.

4. Accommodation

Lhasa offers a range of accommodation options to suit various budgets and preferences. Choose a hotel in Lhasa that is convenient for accessing Drak Yerpa.

It’s advisable to book accommodation in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.

5. Dress Appropriately

Tibet’s weather can be unpredictable, so dress in layers. Even during the summer, it can get chilly in the early mornings and evenings.

Wear comfortable shoes suitable for hiking around the cave complex.

6. Transportation

Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, is the starting point of your journey to Drak Yerpa. You can either hire a private vehicle or join a guided tour from Lhasa to reach the Yerpa Valley, where Drak Yerpa is located. Public transportation options are limited, so it’s best to arrange private transportation in advance.

Since Drak Yerpa is located at the sea level of 4885 meters while the city of Lhasa at the altitude of 3600 meters, the big altitude difference means that you have to drive upward along the zigzag mountains.

Drak Yerpa Map
Lhasa – Drak Yerpa Map ( Google)

To get from downtown Lhasa to Drak Yerpa, you have a few transportation options:

Private Vehicle: The most convenient way to reach Drak Yerpa is by hiring a private vehicle, such as a car or a van. You can book a private taxi or hire a driver through a tour operator. This option allows you the flexibility to explore at your own pace.

Organized Tour: Another option is to join an organized tour that includes transportation to Drak Yerpa. Many tour operators in Lhasa offer day trips or half-day trips to Drak Yerpa, often combined with visits to other nearby attractions.

Local Bus: If you prefer public transportation, you can take a local bus from Lhasa to Drak Yerpa. Buses depart from Chengguan District Bus Station in Lhasa. However, note that the schedules and availability of buses may vary, and it can be challenging to navigate without knowledge of the local language or bus routes.

During tourism peak season in Lhasa, there are public buses going to Drak Yerpa with the bus terminal near the square of Jokhang Temple. If you visit Drak Yerpa in winter, you are able to enjoy the snow view on the mountains.

Taxi: Taxis are a convenient means of transportation within Lhasa. You can hire a taxi from downtown Lhasa to Drak Yerpa. Negotiate the fare with the driver beforehand or ensure they use a meter for a fair price.

7. Entrance Fees

 The entrance fee for Drak Yerpa is RMB30 per person.

The local Tibetan vendors selling prayer flags to be hung high up on the prayer area to the west of the dotted temple houses.

Drak Yerpa Monastery

They charge RMB 25 for a dozen of prayer flags.

8. Respect Local Customs

Drak Yerpa is a sacred site, so it’s important to dress modestly and respectfully. Follow the instructions of your guide and adhere to the temple rules and regulations. Avoid taking photographs or touching religious artifacts without permission.

9. Other Attractions

While planning your trip to Drak Yerpa, consider visiting other attractions in Lhasa, such as the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, and Barkhor Street, to fully experience the cultural and historical essence of Tibet.

Remember to consult with a reliable travel agency or tour operator for detailed information, including the most up-to-date travel regulations, permits, and logistics. Respect the local culture and enjoy your exploration of the sacred site of Drak Yerpa in Lhasa.

If you have any questions or queries, then please feel free to drop us a line.


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