Guiin foods

The Local Foods You should try in Guilin

Guilin is renowned for its unique and flavorful cuisine, often characterized by its use of local ingredients, aromatic spices, and diverse flavors. Here are some of the best foods to try when visiting Guilin:

Guilin Rice Noodles (桂林米粉)

Rice Noodle Guilin

Guilin Rice Noodle, also known as Guilin Mi Fen, is a famous local dish originating from Guilin, a city in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China. Here’s some information about Guilin rice noodle:

Ingredients: The main ingredients of Guilin Rice Noodle include rice noodles, savory broth, and various toppings. The rice noodles are typically thin and translucent, made from finely ground rice flour and water. The broth is usually made from pork bones, along with additional seasonings like garlic, ginger, and spices.

Toppings: Guilin Rice Noodle can be customized with a variety of toppings. Common toppings include sliced pork, pickled vegetables, peanuts, scallions, cilantro, fried soybeans, and chili sauce. You can choose the toppings according to your preference for flavor and texture.

Flavor: The flavor of Guilin Rice Noodle is savory and aromatic due to the rich pork bone broth and seasoned toppings. The broth is known for its depth of flavor, infused with spices and herbs. It can range from mild to slightly spicy, depending on the choice of seasonings.

Serving Style: Guilin Rice Noodle is typically served in a large bowl or deep plate, with the noodles swimming in the flavorful broth. The toppings are then piled on top, creating a visually appealing dish.

Liuzhou Luosifen Noodles (柳州螺蛳粉)

Liuzhou Luosifen Noodles

This dish is popular in both Guilin and the nearby city of Liuzhou. It consists of stir-fried snails, rice noodles, and a spicy and tangy broth made from fermented tofu and chili sauce.

Ingredients: The main ingredients in Liuzhou luosifen noodles include rice noodles, river snails, dried rice noodles, pickled bamboo shoots, peanuts, tofu skin, and a variety of spices and seasonings. The uniqueness of this dish lies in the use of river snails, which give it a distinct flavor.

Preparation: The preparation of Liuzhou luosifen noodles involves a multi-step process. The snails are carefully cleaned and cooked with other ingredients, such as ginger, garlic, and spices, to create a flavorful broth. The river snails are then removed from the broth and set aside. The noodles and additional toppings, such as pickled bamboo shoots, tofu skin, and peanuts, are cooked separately. Finally, all the components are brought together by placing the cooked rice noodles in a bowl and adding the snails, broth, and toppings.

Flavor: Liuzhou luosifen noodles have a rich and savory flavor. The combination of the river snail broth and the various seasonings creates a broth that is both spicy and slightly sour. The dish has a unique umami taste, which is complemented by the chewy texture of the rice noodles and the crunchiness of the peanuts.

Serving Style: Liuzhou luosifen noodles are typically served in a bowl with the noodles at the bottom, followed by the river snails, pickled bamboo shoots, tofu skin, and peanuts. The flavorful broth is then poured over the ingredients to create a delicious and satisfying dish.

Guilin-style Tofu (桂林豆腐)

Guilin doufu

Guilin is known for its distinctive stinky tofu, which is fermented and has a strong aroma. It’s often deep-fried and served with spicy sauce or in hotpot.

Ingredients: The main ingredient of Guilin doufu is tofu, which is made from soy milk curdled and pressed into solid form. The tofu used in Guilin doufu is typically silken or soft tofu, which has a delicate texture. Other common ingredients include vegetables, such as mushrooms, bell peppers, and bamboo shoots, as well as meat or seafood, such as minced pork or shrimp.

Preparation: To prepare Guilin doufu, the tofu is first cut into small cubes or slices. It is then gently fried until golden brown to create a crispy exterior while maintaining a soft interior. The tofu is then stir-fried with a combination of vegetables, mushrooms, and meat or seafood. A variety of seasonings and sauces, such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, and garlic, are used to enhance the flavor.

Flavor: Guilin doufu has a savory and aromatic flavor. The combination of the crispy tofu and the stir-fried vegetables and protein creates a satisfying texture. The dish is often seasoned with a balance of salty, sweet, and savory flavors.

Serving Style: Guilin doufu is typically served as a main course dish. It is presented on a plate or in a bowl, with the stir-fried tofu and vegetables arranged together. It is commonly garnished with chopped scallions for added freshness and color.

Vegetarian Options: For those who prefer a vegetarian version, Guilin doufu can be prepared without meat or seafood. The focus then shifts to the combination of tofu and vegetables, creating a nutritious and flavorful vegetarian dish.

Guilin doufu is a popular and versatile dish that highlights the flavors of Guilin cuisine. It can be found in local restaurants and is enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to try this delicious and unique tofu dish when visiting Guilin.

Lipu Taro Pork (荔浦芋扣肉)

This dish features slices of pork belly and taro root, slowly braised together until they’re tender and flavorful. It’s often sweet and savory, with a rich sauce.

Yangshuo Beer Fish (阳朔啤酒鱼)

In the nearby town of Yangshuo, this dish is a favorite among tourists. Fresh fish is marinated and cooked in a fragrant mixture of beer, chili, and vegetables.

Bamboo Rice (竹筒饭)

Bamboo rice is a traditional dish cooked in bamboo tubes. Sticky rice is mixed with meat, vegetables, and spices, then stuffed into bamboo tubes and cooked over an open flame.

Guilin-style Steamed Chicken (桂林蒸鸡)

This dish features tender chicken pieces marinated in ginger, garlic, and other seasonings, then steamed until juicy and flavorful.

Osmanthus Rice Cake (桂花糕)

This sweet treat is made from glutinous rice flour and infused with the fragrance of osmanthus flowers. It’s often enjoyed as a dessert or snack.

Oil Tea (油茶)

This traditional local breakfast dish is a savory tea made from tea leaves, peanuts, sesame, and other ingredients. It’s hearty and often served with pickled vegetables.

Duck Blood and Tofu Soup (鸭血豆腐汤)

A unique dish with a mix of duck blood, tofu, and vegetables served in a flavorful broth.

When visiting Guilin, don’t miss the opportunity to explore local markets, street food stalls, and restaurants to experience the full range of flavors that this region has to offer. Each dish reflects the local culture and culinary traditions, making your dining experience in Guilin truly memorable.

If you have any questions or queries, then please feel free to drop us a line.


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