Midjourney AI绘图英语提示词 – 3D Prompt

Midjourney AI绘图英语提示词 – 3D Prompt

英语Prompt (提示词) 是一个简短的短语,用于指导Midjourney AI绘图系统解析并创造图像。这个系统通过将文本提示词中的词汇和表达拆分成小的标记单元,也就是‘tokens’,与其数据库中的训练数据进行匹配,进而实现图像的生成。

精心设计的文本提示词对于创造独特且引人注目的图像至关重要。为了促进Midjourney AI绘图爱好者之间的交流,儒琴英语分享一些英文的优秀提示词( Prompt)实例。

第一层:3 D  rendering 三维渲染

超人 prompt

超人:3d rendering, superman, IP,3d, full body portrait, Disney trend,8k, best quality, high details –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive

白雪公主 prompt

白雪公主:3d rendering, a beautiful Snow White, tide play, blind box, Pixar, clean background,8k, high details –niji 5 –style expressive

白色猫头鹰 prompt

白色猫头鹰:3d rendering, a white owl, crocheted doll, tide play, blind box, Pixar, clean background,4k, high details, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive

小黄人 Prompt

小黄人:3d rendering, minions, blind box, pop mart design, Disney trend, 4k,high details, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive

鼹鼠 prompt

鼹鼠:3d rendering, mole, transparent metal armor, blind box, pop mart design, 4k, high details, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive


水獭:3d rendering, otter, translucent plastic material body, Pixar trend,4k, high details, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive

企鹅 prompt

企鹅:3d rendering, Penguin, pop mart, blind box, watercolor texture,8k, high details –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive


太空卫士 Prompt

太空卫士:3d rendering, very cool Starry sky style element boy, brown curly hair, holding a machine gun, Surrounded by earth, wearing Space suit, watercolor texture style, pop Mart blind box, clay material, dark background, 3d, pixar trend, C4D, octane rendering, high details –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive


老师:3d rendering, middle aged teacher, short wavy hair, holding a few books, White Shirt, and blue suit, Disney trend,high details –no glasses, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive


老太太玩手机 prompt

老太太玩手机:3d rendering, an old elegant lady, white hair, yellow cardigen, sitting on a waving chair, looking at her mobile phone, In the sunny room ,the light of the sunset shines on her face, Disney trend,4k, high details, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive

老头打太极 prompt

老头打太极:3d rendering, a chinses old cool man, short white hair, white silk Chinese shirt, a baggy silk white pants, a pair of black shoes, practicing Taichi, in a misty woods, early morning, the light of the sun rays shines through from the top, Disney trend,4k, high details, –ar 7:4 –niji 5 –style expressive

公主和绅士 prompt

公主和绅士:# 公主和绅士,公主张开双臂,绅士从公主身后抱着公主,肖像拍摄,站在船头
3d rendering, princess and gentleman, princess opens her arms, gentleman holds princess from her behind, Portrait shot, standing at the bow of the ship, Disney Snow White, romantic atmosphere, background is clean blue sky, bright colors, Blender. High detail, extreme quality –ar 7:4


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