英语习语:a bridge too far


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

a bridge too far

A bridge too far is an act of overreaching- going too far and getting into trouble or failing;an act or plan whose ambition overreaches its capability, resulting in or potentially leading to difficulty or failure.

a bridge too far 字面意思:遥远的桥;一座离得太遥远的桥。a bridge too far 该习语的形成最初来自于美国作家科尼利厄斯·瑞恩(Cornelius Ryan)的同名小说 ”A bridge too far”。后来改成同名电影,于1977年6月15日在美国上映。

1944年9月,盟军发动了“市场花园行动”(Operation Market Garden),想从德国军队手中夺取了位于阿纳姆那座横跨莱茵河的大桥。盟军伞兵部队空降莱茵桥,不料遭遇德军的顽强抵抗。但在没有任何额外支持的情况下,这支盟军空降部队无法守住这座桥。盟军付出了伤亡惨重的代价。这场堪称二战中最具戏剧性的战役,终以盟军的惨痛失败而告终。

后来,a bridge too far 逐步引申为:目标太过雄心勃勃;自不量力,好高骛远的行为;野心超过其能力的行为或计划,导致或潜在地导致困难或失败。

Biden’s Infrastructure Package is a Bridge Too Far. The American Jobs Plan” proposed last week by the Biden administration is a very large ($2.3 trillion over eight years), ambitious and complex proposal. Much of it is also misguided and unnecessary.

The multi-million-dollar purchase of the small startup proved a bridge too far for the social media company, as the added revenue couldn’t make up for the cost in the end.

I also respect people who, like myself, found Trump a bridge too far and could not bring themselves to cast a vote for the man.

A bridge too far? UK’s Boris Johnson suggests span to France. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has suggested that Britain and France should build a bridge across the English Channel to bolster links between the two nations after Brexit.
目标太过雄心勃勃?英国的鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)建议跨度至法国。英国外交大臣鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)建议英国和法国应该在英吉利海峡修建一座桥梁,以加强英国脱欧后两国之间的联系。


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