安·兰德(Ayn Rand, 1905 – 1982)

安·兰德(Ayn Rand,1905 – 1982), 是俄裔美国作家和哲学家。她以两本畅销小说《源泉》(Fountainhead)和《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》(Atlas Shrugged)而闻名,并创立了一套她称之为“客观主义”的哲学体系。她在俄罗斯出生并接受教育,1926年移居美国。她于1935年和1936年在百老汇演出了一部戏剧。


英汉智慧语录 English and Chinese Brainy Quotes

We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.

Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.

Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.

Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself.

Since there is no such entity as ‘the public,’ since the public is merely a number of individuals, the idea that ‘the public interest’ supersedes private interests and rights can have but one meaning: that the interests and rights of some individuals take precedence over the interests and rights of others.由于没有所谓诸如“公众“这样的实体, 因为“公众“仅仅是一些个体组成的, 所以认为“公共利益”取代私人利益和权利的想法只有一个意思: 有些人的利益和权利优先于另一些人的利益和权利。

You have been called selfish for the courage of acting on your own judgement and bearing sole responsibility for your own life. You have been called arrogant for your independent mind. You have been called cruel for your unyielding integrity. You have been calle anti social for the vision that made you venture upon undiscovered roads.
你被称为自私,因为你有勇气按照自己的判断行事,并对自己的生活承担全部责任;你被人称为傲慢, 因为你有独立的思想;你被称为残忍, 因为你刚强正直;你被称为反社会,因为你有远见敢于冒险探索未知的道路。

A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. If bureaucrat makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you.
商人不能强迫你买他的产品; 如果他犯了错误,他就要承担后果; 如果他失败了,他就承担损失。如果政府官僚犯了错,你要承担后果; 如果他失败了,他会把损失转给你。


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