今日英语词汇:  backpedal, make hay (out) of, trim one’s sails, run out the clock, play a long game


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

to change an opinion that you had expressed before, or do something different from what you had said you would do

How the Trump administration backpedaled on its threats to cut school funding. First they say they want to yank money for schools that won’t reopen, then they say they won’t. The Trump administration’s statements are multiple and evolving on potential funding cuts for schools that won’t fully reopen amid the Covid-19 crisis.

make hay (out) of
in American English
to turn (something) to one’s advantage

Although the outcome seems like a political win for Trump, the congressional subpoenas are being referred for further review. Democrats are trying to make political hay out of the rulings.

trim one’s sails (to the wind)
to change one’s behaviour to deal with a difficult situation; make changes to suit one’s new circumstances.

He moves slower than they want, sides with liberals more than they want, and trims his sails in ways they find maddening. But he is still deeply and unmistakably conservative, pulling the law to the right — at his own pace and in his own image. (Axios)

run out the clock
US (also run down the clock)
deliberately use as much time as possible in order to preserve one’s own team’s advantage.

In the short term, the opinion most likely lets Trump run out the clock. He does not have any viable challenges to the subpoenas. But his lawyers can come up with something and, unless all parts of the courts system are highly motivated, the Manhattan DA will not get these records before the election.

play a long game 长期的策略, 着眼于长线
A long-term strategy or endeavor; a long term plan, long term goals, or doing things now that set you up for the future.

John Roberts plays a long game. He moves slower than they want, sides with liberals more than they want, and trims his sails in ways they find maddening. But he is still deeply and unmistakably conservative, pulling the law to the right — at his own pace and in his own image. (Axios)


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