今日英语俚语:backseat driver


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

backseat driver

an annoying passenger in a car who keeps giving the driver advice how to drive;a person who is eager to advise without responsibility; someone who gives unwanted advice or who tries to control something that is supposed to be controlled by another person

字面意思是“后座司机”, 指对驾驶员指手画脚的乘客; 汽车里招人烦的乘客,不停地跟司机叨叨叨该怎么开车。这个俚语更深层次意思是:引申为指手画脚的人;一个急于发表建议但不任何负责的人;试图控制本应由他人控制的事物的人

Obama’s backseat drivers, John Kerry, Susan Rice, and Ben Rhodes, have lots of advice for Trump on Iran.

Indeed, the president’s Twitter account provides a fascinating archive of citizen Trump’s instinctive thoughts and feelings from the days before he occupied the Oval Office – and are a helpful reminder that it’s often easier to be a backseat driver than the one steering the car.

Perhaps what the prime minister had to report about the state of the American demands at the NAFTA table was so dire that none of those he briefed could see his or her interest in claiming the role of backseat driver.

奥巴马“指手画脚的人”约翰·克里(John Kerry)、苏珊·赖斯(Susan Rice)和本·罗兹(Ben Rhodes)对特朗普在伊朗问题上有很多建议。




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