今日英语词汇: barrel, put-up job, get wind of sth, take the fall(for sb or sth)


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)


to travel somewhere very quickly (Cambridge)
to move at a high speed or without hesitation (Merriam-Webster)

最早期学到这个barrel单词,是静态“桶”的意思,油桶,啤酒桶…。后来有一次在facebook 上看到我follow的一个美国老太太发的帖子,barreling当动词用。我就她问他barrel当动词在美国常用吗?她说很常用。

不明白“桶”怎么跟“飞奔”联想到了。后来去查etymology, 才知道,从1930 开始, barrel 有了“move quickly”的意思。当时属于俚语,从快速滚动的桶,联想到飞奔的意思。

今天CNN在报道众议院民主党人计划“迅速”开始推动弹劾美国总统特朗普时,也许为了强调“迅速”,选用了“barrel”这个单词, 语言生动,传神达意 ,标明了民主党弹劾调查趁热打铁的决心。

Washington (CNN)Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill are barreling toward historic impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

put-up job
noun [ C usually singular ]

1. something that is secretly arranged or decided at an earlier time in order to trick or deceive someone (Merriam Webster)
2. an attempt to trick or deceive someone (Cambridge)

今天英国[每日邮报] DailyMail的两位记David Wilcock and Jack Elsom 写专题文章,详细报道英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊 (Boris Johnson)与美国女商人Ms Arcuri(当过模特儿)婚外情一事。据说警察也在酝酿介入,调查约翰逊的行为。原文如下:
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) will now consider whether there are grounds to investigate the Prime Minister for the criminal offence of misconduct in public office.

约翰逊本人反复强调他行为端正(full propriety), 原文如下:
Mr Johnson said: ‘Everything was done in accordance with the code (of conduct) … everything was done with full propriety.

唐宁街认为这是赤裸裸的政治骗局(put-up job),原文如下:
The GLA statement, denounced by Downing Street as a ‘nakedly political put-up job’ on the eve of the Tory Party conference, came after details of Ms Arcuri’s links to Mr Johnson were first highlighted in the Sunday Times last week. (Daily Mail Sep 29, 2019)
Note: GLA – The Greater London Authority .

get wind of sth

to hear a piece of information that someone else was trying to keep secret
听到…的风声;得知…秘密消息 (Cambridge)

今天CNN记者Michael Warren在他的一篇关于特朗普私人律师朱利安尼(Giuliani)今年5月秘密去乌克兰调查总统候选人乔拜登与其儿子的报道中使用了“get wind of”这一俚语,语境跟中文接近。

The public first got wind of Giuliani’s Ukraine actions in May, when press reports, including one in the New York Times, described how Giuliani was promoting allegations about Biden and Burisma.
(CNN Sep 29, 2019)

take the fall (for sb or sth)

1.To face punishment, blame, censure, or arrest for someone else’s crime or misdeed, perhaps intentionally.(thefreedictionary)

2.to accept the blame for something another person did (Cambridge)
替…承担责任; 背黑锅

今天美国政治新闻网【政客】(politico) 头版头条的大标题使用了习语:take the fall。

POLITICO Playbook: Who in the White House will take the fall.

该文提到了特朗普被whistleblower complaint (揭密者控告)之后,白宫似乎“群龙无首”, 没能及时出来应对,更没有没有应对策略。有人并将矛头指向特朗普上任以来的第三位白宫幕僚长 — Mick Mulvaney, 暗示他应该 take the fall (or take the heat).

“One of the sources says it’s not just the Presidentbut also widespread frustration in the White House about the lack of a response plan to deal with the fallout after the release of the whistleblower complaint ignited more controversy surrounding the President. The sources say Mulvaney is taking the heat for that.”


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