今日英语俚语:basket case


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

basket case

1) informal a person who is functionally incapacitated from extreme nervousness, emotional distress, mental or physical overwork, etc.;a person who is helpless or incapable of functioning normally, esp. due to overwhelming stress, anxiety, or the like.

2)informal something (such as a business or government) that is dysfunctional, run-down, or close to failure;someone or something that is incapable of functioning normally

3)offensive, mainly US and Canadian
a person who has had both arms and both legs amputated

俚语 basket case 有三层意思:
1) 表示某人极度紧张(或焦虑)的人;精神濒于崩溃;束手无策 ; 绝望

第三个意思(截去双臂和双腿的人)来自basket case最初的意思。最初是指美国在第一次大战中失去双臂和双腿,必须由别人把他放在一只篮子里抬着的士兵。但是美国军队否认存在发生这样的事情。美国公共信息司令部于1919年3月以美国陆军医务部部长M. W. Ireland名义发表了以下公告:

“The Surgeon General of the Army … denies … that there is any foundation for the stories that have been circulated … of the existence of ‘basket cases’ in our hospitals.” (陆军医务部部长……否认……那些流传的故事是有根据的……在我们的医院里存在的”截去双臂和双腿放在篮子里抬的士兵”(basket case)。


“… there is nothing to rumors of so-called ‘basket cases’ – cases of men with both legs and both arms amputated.“(…那些所谓basket cases’的人,就是双腿和双臂都被截肢的人,这跟那些传言毫无关系。”

显然,考虑到两场战争的伤亡规模,肯定有多处截肢的案例。美国陆军医务部部长用什么词来形容这些没有记录,显然不是“basket case”。(phrases.org.uk)

The US: the world’s most powerful basket case. After centuries of unrivalled dominance, the Roman empire collapsed in a heap, its social, political and economic institutions weakened by decades of elite debauchery and imperial overreach. As the US struggles to deal with the effects of the novel coronavirus, it’s hard not to think that we’re seeing the end of its imperial dominance.

New York Daily News Calls Donald Trump A ‘Basket Case’ Over Easter Coronavirus Plan. Over Easter Coronavirus Plan. President Donald Trump’s hope for the U.S. to ease restrictions combatting the spread of coronavirus by Easter in a bid to boost the economy got the treatment from the New York Daily News.


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