儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)
bawl sb out
— verb [ I or T ]/bɑːl/
习语含义:虽然我们通常用动词bawl 来表示大声哭泣或呜咽,但它还有另一个更罕见的定义,即大声地发出声音。 习语 bawl out 意思是大声责骂或严厉谴责;有时也用来指大声唱歌或大声说话。Ball out是一个拼写错误。
原文举例:On set, she earned a reputation as an irritable young prima donna who would often bawl out stagehands and fellow actors when she did not get her way. [Scotsman]在片场,她赢得了一个易怒的年轻首席女演员的名声,当她得不到自己想做的事时,她经常大声责骂舞台工作人员和其他演员。
beyond the pale
习语含义:beyond the pale这个习语保留了pale一种古老的含义,即位于指定边界内的区域或地区,所以beyond the pale 的意思是在边界之外。在现代使用中,这个习语通常是隐喻性的,意思是(1)超出文明行为的界限,或(2)怪异。现代作家经常用这个词来表示“令人憎恶的”,但这有点极端。
原文举例:Who, in the name of helping President Trump, would promote a video that depicts him as a maniacal murderer. Politics is a rough game and I don’t shock easily, but this is so beyond the pale that it’s hard to grasp.
Bill of goods
习语含义:习语 Bill of goods 有两种意思。第一种较不常见, 意思是货物交付,即寄售。第二种更常见的定义是故意以错误的方式呈现的事物,通常带有通过诡计欺骗或获得某物的意图;不诚实的计划;具有误导性的承诺。绝大多数情况下,它和动词sell一起使用。偶尔会看到带有buy动词的短语。
原文举例:Trump sells bill of goods to the working class. Listening to President Donald Trump give the State of the Union address the other night, I was reminded of the “big lie” propaganda technique Adolph Hitler describes in “Mein Kampf.”
特朗普向工人阶级兜售不诚实承诺. 前几天晚上听特朗普总统发表国情咨文演讲时,我想起了阿道夫·希特勒(Adolph Hitler)在《我的奋斗》(Mein Kampf)一书中所描述的“弥天大谎”宣传手法。
by dint of
习语含义:“dint”是一个古老的名词,意思是“力量” (force),主要在习语 “by dint of” 中保留下来,作为状语,表示“因为” (because of ), 或 “凭借” (due to the efforts of) 的意思。dint 来自古英语,它的意思是在战斗中受到的打击。由此,它衍生出“力量”的意思,并约定俗成形成了“by dint of ”的使用。“by dint of”在传统上被定义为 by force of ,by means of, 尽管与“力量”相关的含义在现代使用中已经消失了。
Biden believes by dint of half a century of experience that diplomacy is important, alliances are critical and he has appointed a bunch of people who believe it. (politico.com)
think on your feet
习语含义: think on your feet 意思是:随机应变;即兴思考; 在压力下能够清晰地思考,特别是在解决一个紧迫问题的时候;碰到困难的时候随机应变,摆脱困难。To be able to think clearly in times of stress, especially when forming a solution to a pressing problem.
原文举例:Trump famously thinks preparation is for losers, and the Biden team appears to be the opposite,” said one former Trump transition official. “Trump never wanted to prepare for a meeting because he thought he could wing it and that you only have to prepare if you are not naturally good or can’t think on your feet. (politico.com)