英语习语: Beat around the bush


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

Beat around the bush 意思

beat around the bush 英语解释:
To prevaricate and avoid coming to the point;to delay the completion of an activity or stall while coming to the crux of an argument or discussion;to avoid the main point in a conversation; failing to get to the bottom line when speaking to others;to avoid giving a definite answer or position.

beat around the bush 英译汉:

beat around the bush 同义词汇
如果不想用习语套语,也可以用英语单词 prevaricate 来表达该习语拐弯抹角的意思。
He accused the minister of prevaricating. 他指责部长一味搪塞。
更多同义词汇:equivocate, fudge, hedge, pussyfoot, tergiversate, waffle, weasel

beat round the bush 反义词
cutting to the chase、getting on with it、getting to the point、straight to the point

Beat around the bush 起源

该习语最早16世纪出现在英国。这个短语的起源是如同字面意思,狩猎时,一个人会去敲灌木丛,把鸟吓到空中,这样其他人就可以射击它们。在美国以外的地方,这个短语有时写成 beat about the bush。

但从谷歌搜索来看,beat around the bush 成为全球的标准表达方式,至少在书面交流中。beat about the bush 写法已经慢慢失宠。

Beat around the bush 举例

It’s not my style to beat around the bush.

Don’t beat around the bush, come straight to the point!

I ask that you do not attempt to beat around the bush!
我请你不要东拉西扯, 直奔主题把!

I don’t mind talking about them, and I don’t beat around the bush.

Why do you always beat around the bush while speaking?


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