今日英语词汇: binge-watching, blanket, flat-footed, sherpa, Shelter in place


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

追剧 ; 则指无节制地狂看某部电视连续剧

Binge-watching, also called binge-viewing or marathon-viewing, is the practice of watching television for a long time span, usually a single television show. In a survey conducted by Netflix in February 2014, 73% of people define binge-watching as “watching between 2-3 episodes of the same TV show in one sitting(Wikipedia)

adjective (Cambridge)
including or affecting everything, everyone, or all cases, in a large group or area
a blanket ban 全面禁止
“Man”, as a blanket term for both men and women, is now considered sexist. 用man作一个广义词来指代男人和女人,现在被认为有性别歧视色彩。

Senate Republicans propose economic relief package with blanket payments to Americans. (The Washington Post)

in a difficult or unexpected situation that makes you unable to move or react quickly or skilfully
Campaign leaders were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way. 当民意调查的结果突然倒向另一方时,竞选运动的领导们陷于了束手无策的境地。(Cambridge)

President Trump took direct aim at China on Thursday for allowing the spread of the coronavirus that has sickened Americans, shut down much of daily life and pushed the U.S. economy toward recession, while deflecting criticism that his administration was caught flat-footed by the outbreak.

sherpa 最高级会议筹备官员 ; 会议协调人 /ˈʃɜː.pə/ ;
A sherpa is the personal representative of a head of state of government who prepares an international summit like the annual G8 . In the between the G8 summits there are multiple sherpa conferences where possible agreements are laid out. This reduces the effort for the head of state at the final summit where they negotiate in person in the name of their state.

“In order for each country to focus all of its resources on responding to the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 and at President Trump’s direction, National Economic Council Director and U.S. Sherpa for the 2020 G7 Larry Kudlow has informed his Sherpa colleagues that the G7 Leaders’ Summit the U.S. was set to host in June at Camp David will now be done by video-teleconference.” (CNN)

Shelter in place 就地临时避难; 待在家里
Shelter in place is to seek safety within the building one already occupies, rather than to evacuate the area or seek a community emergency shelter.

About one-third of California’s 39 million residents have been told to shelter in place as part of an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. Sacramento County on Thursday ordered 1.5 million residents to shelter in place at midnight.


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