今日英语词汇: bite the hand that feeds you, put stock in, a close call, habeas corpus, to add insult to injury, assert oneself


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

bite the hand that feeds you
to act badly towards the person who is helping or has helped you
恩将仇报,忘恩负义 (Cambridge)

Trump bites the biggest hand that feeds him: Fox News. It was mystifying this week to see Mr. Trump go after the station. Fox “isn’t working for us anymore,” he tweeted. He said he and his supporters will “have to start looking for a new News outlet.” (theglobeandmail)

put stock in
have a specified amount of belief or faith in. 信任,相信

And putting stock in science and infection rates, Trump said: ‘The decision should be made based on the data and the facts on the ground.’ (Daily Mail)

a close call
(UK also a close/near thing)
something bad that almost happened
The car just missed the child but it was a very close call. 汽车差点撞着小孩,就差那么一点点。(Cambridge)

Richard Grenell, who served until recently as acting director of U.S. national intelligence, suggested the United States could close the Chinese consulate in tech-heavy San Francisco. “It’s a close call. I would have done both (Houston and San Francisco) but it also makes sense to start with one,” he told Reuters by text. (Reuters)

habeas corpus
noun [ U ] law specialized /ˌheɪ.bi.əs ˈkɔːr.pəs/
a legal order that states that a person in prison must appear before and be judged by a court of law before he or she can be forced by law to stay in prison

“What little we know about these secret powers comes from the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University Law School, but we believe they may include suspension of habeas corpus, surveillance, home intrusion, arrest without a judicial warrant, collective if not mass arrests and more; some could violate constitutional protections.” (The New York Times)

to add insult to injury
said when you feel that someone has made a bad situation worse by doing something else to upset you

“The abrupt, 72-hour eviction deadline seems calculated to add insult to injury,” he said. “And given that President Trump has decided to run for reelection against China, it seems plausible that this move has more to do with politics than with intellectual property.” (Reuters)

assert oneself
To display self-confidence and strength of conviction, typically in the pursuit of something.

As U.S. struggles to stem coronavirus, China asserts itself as global leader
“Beijing’s push for global leadership is able to get so much tailwind by virtue of the relative absence of any U.S. leadership,” one foreign affairs expert said. (nbcnews.com)


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