新闻英语词汇: Bundling, Bundler 


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary



在个人捐款中,也存在“捆绑捐助”(Bundling)现象。捆绑是指一个人从多个捐赠者或政治行动委员会筹集资金,绕过联邦选举委员会的规定,然后一次性将资金投入竞选活动。而这些从朋友和家人那里为候选人筹集资金的人被称为政治筹款人( Bundler)

政治筹款人( Bundler)通常是公司的首席执行官、说客或某个富人。这类捐赠目前争议很大,但很容易解决法律对个人捐赠的限制。


Biden Ups Fundraising Goal for Bundlers

CNBC: “Biden and Democratic Party leaders are calling on their top bundlers to start raising over $2 million each.”

“The decision represents a massive jump in fundraising objectives for Biden’s top donors, who originally were called upon to help raise up to $100,000 at the start of his campaign last year. One of the people noted that since then, the most recent top fundraising goal was $500,000.”


Welcome to the world of bundlers: a semi-secretive though perfectly legal practice in which super-duper fundraisers deliver bundles of campaign contributions to their favorite candidates that they induce, entice or, some would say, strong-arm others to make.

Bundling allows candidates of both parties to finesse the federal caps on individual political contributions and allows the bundlers to gain more-than-ordinary access to presidents and presidential hopefuls.” ( San Antonio News-Express)


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